
Eyes of Dominance

Chris. 32 year old nerdy dom that sometimes writes stories about naughty brats learning their lesson. Taylor Swift aficionado. Looking for my naughty girl. Kik: LonghairedDom. NJ.

Her Disciplinarian: Part 4

The fourth installment of Her Disciplinarian. Links to the first, second, and third in the series. Another long one, and a bit more emotionally charged then the previous entries.

Ally: I don't know what else you want me to say, Chris. I get it; I'm the worst. I know this isn't what you wanted, but I need to figure things out for myself.

Chris: I get that. But then why the fuck did you pretend as if this wasn't going to be the case. Why bother leading me on all this time if you were just gonna end up pulling this shit. Do you really have that little respect for me and my feelings that you think you can just toss this away on a whim, after I started to trust you again? Do you really hate me that much?

Ally: I don't hate you. I don't want to lose what we have. I didn't like, plan for this to happen. But I really can't do this right now. I know that it hurts you, and I'm sorry. But it is my decision. I still want to be friends, and I would like to still come over and hang out. I just need some space.

Shaking his head Chris chuckled darkly to himself as he downed the last of his sixth bottle of beer and fumbled with his phone as he started to type a response. Chris was not normally a heavy drinker, in fact before Ally had come back into his life he had never touched alcohol, but the current situation between them had changed that. 

At this rate, I'll be an alcoholic by the end of the month, he mused, his usual measured and controlled demeanor dulled by the liquid he'd been downing since the current argument began a little over an hour ago. 

Chris: Yeah, until you get back with your ex, or find someone else. Then you'll find some asinine reason to snap at me like usual, disappear for a handful of months, and then this whole cycle will repeat again. You know, I thought this time might actually be different for once, but I guess not. You could have at least had the decency to admit it.

Feeling another wave of anger surge, he put the phone down on the bed and continued to pace around the room as he had since the start of the conversation, trying to contain the tempest of emotions bubbling to the surface.

The last few weeks had been tumultuous, to say the least. The trouble had started just as the second full month of their disciplinary dynamic had drawn to a close. The month itself had raised no real concerns; Chris and Ally spent a good amount of time together, spankings were occasionally given, and things passed as they had grown to. However, just afterwards Ally's demeanor had suddenly shifted, for no real reason Chris could see. She started barely responding to messages, stopped coming over to hang out except for review days, and only put the bare minimum effort into following her tasks. Chris had originally chalked this behavior up to the chaos of the end of the school year; with work and class Ally was quite stressed, and so he decided to give her a bit of space. 

Unfortunately, things continued to degrade, and the following Sunday he found himself having to spank Ally for not only failing to clean her room on the assigned days, but also for her extremely combative attitude during their review. Feeling as if the space he had previously given her led to this behavior, he decided to double down, harshly admonishing her after the punishment and warning her that a severe punishment awaited her should she pull something like that again.

It appeared to be in vain, as the next week, Ally had again failed to send pictures of her cleaned room on both days it was required, when he send messages inquiring as to why, they were seemingly ignored. That Sunday's review rolled around, and for the first time Ally had failed to show up, with no warning or message asking to reschedule. Chris, quite angry and confused at this point, texted her about what was going on, and the following conversation quickly turned into a messy ordeal of emotions and accusations. Even tonight, two days after the initial argument, it continued to boil over.

Ally: It's not like that. I'm sorry if you feel like I led you on, but you knew what this was from the beginning. There was no guarantee that this would last forever, and I'm not sure it's what I want going forward. You know I was talking with my ex and other guys from the start; I never hid that from you.

When Chris finally received a reply, it wasn't one of contrition or even defiance, but of disinterest. Through a long conversation over text, she expressed doubt in the future of their dynamic, her unease about whether such an arrangement was even what she wanted, and frustration of the time constraints some rules put on her time between work and class. Though obviously upset by this, Chris tried to remain level headed and talk through her concerns. However, when she mentioned how she was considering getting back with her ex boyfriend, among other things, his more detached approach started to melt away as, in his eyes, this sudden shift in attitude towards their dynamic began to make far more sense, and cyclic nature of their friendship seemed to rear its ugly head again.

Chris: You didn't lie, but you also decided to enter a D/s contract with me. You knew explicitly how I felt about you, from the start, and yet you used that to your advantage to get what you wanted. This is exactly like every other time; you come back into my life, claiming that you're sorry, I start to trust you again, and then when it becomes inconvenient for you, you throw it all away to be picked up again whenever it suits you. Like, when you do that, how can you say you don't hate me or have respect for me?

Chris felt a bit guilty as he continued to send inebriated messages, but his emotional pain and the alcohol somewhat dulled his sympathy. It wasn't that what she was saying wasn't true; they weren't in a relationship, she didn't lie about her involvement with other guys, even while they practiced this new dynamic. But he had begun to believe that this time, she might feel herself what he had for these many years. After all, she didn't hesitate all that much to enter their disciplinary contract, and Chris had a feeling that it may have been her intention from the start in reconciling. She flirted with him constantly when they would hang out, even playfully considering what things would be like if they were in a proper relationship. There was also the fact that she seemed more than comfortable with spending more than half of her time with him naked from the waist down. There was no way that she didn't feel a bit of what he did, and yet now, like she had in the past, she suddenly saw fit to distance herself from him. Part of him knew this was a possibility, even partially expected it, and yet even so Chris never felt more betrayed. His fingers fumbled over the digital key pad of his phone, autocorrect thankfully taking care of his sloppy technique.

Chris: This is exactly why you need a dominant. Because when you act this way, you need to get your ass whipped. You don't think about how your actions effect me; you just do whatever the fuck you want and try to say sorry after. You ignore the rules that you clearly agreed to, don't bother to answer my texts when I ask why, don't tell me what's wrong until the day I'm supposed to see you, you then you give me this whole speech about how you might get back together with your ex, and that you're not sure what you want from your life or what my place is in it, and you expect me to just be okay with that? You think a "sorry, my bad" is enough? I care for you, Ally, and I always will, but that's fucked up, and you know it.

He tossed his phone to the dresser and ran his hands through his hair in agitation. It wasn't as Ally wasn't extremely aware of how he felt towards her. She knew exactly how her past actions had hurt him, she knew how she was asking him to trust her again. And yet as soon as he did, everything seemed to fall apart. And from his perspective he couldn't quite really understand why. He knew there was clear chemistry between them, Ally had admitted as much quite explicitly. Their personalities meshed very organically, and they had very similar needs and desires from a relationship. He knew from the bottom of his heart that the potential for something deeper was there, and Ally seemed to act as if there was as well, up until the last few weeks. This sudden shift left Chris feeling wounded and untethered, and so even though he knew he would wake up feeling remorse for drunkenly hurling accusations and allegations at her, in his current state he felt it was a little justified.

An hour passed by without a response, and then a second rolled by. Chris didn't really expect to hear back from her at this hour of night anyway. He simply paced back and forth in his room, trying to calm the slushy whirl of emotion and unspoken words whistling through his brain. Going weary of thinking, he leaned back against his bed, prepared to settle into a night of fitful rest. He was so distracted by his own thoughts that he almost didn't hear the faint buzz of his phone on the dresser across the room. It took a few moments for his mind to catch up and process the sound. He groaned and sat back up, shuffling over to his device, exhausted but prepared to respond to whatever painful words might await him. But the text lighting up the screen was not one he expected.

Ally: I'm sorry. I really am. Would you feel better about all of this if we, you know, "dealt" with it?

Caught off guard and not quite catching the meaning in his addled state of being, even if it should have been clear, he typed a puzzled response.

Chris: What do you mean, exactly?

Ally: You know what I mean.... 

As it slowly dawned on him, a second message appeared.

Ally: I'm aware that I didn't handle everything the past few weeks perfectly, and I know that this all hurt you. If disciplining me would give you some peace of mind, like I got a proper punishment for the things you feel I've wronged you for, I might not be totally opposed to it.

Chris looked down at the message and rubbed his nose, parsing together his jumbled thoughts, before replying.

Chris: Well, I no doubt feel that you deserve it. That much is clear. 

Ally: Coooooool.

Her dry response almost made him smile.

Chris: But I'm not going to spank you just as a form of 'revenge' or something. If I'm going to discipline you, it's going to be because you earned it, and you agree that it's deserved. I feel as if that fact were quite obvious, but if you don't then it'd kind of be pointless.

A minute passed, and the phone lit up with a reply.

Ally: Well, like, I obviously don't think I'm totally in the wrong with this. I haven't changed my mind. But I'd agree that I didn't always factor in how things would effect you, and I guess you can make an argument that it might warrant some form of discipline. 

Chris: I suppose I can work with that.

A few minutes past, Chris lost in thought, contemplating her words, before the device in his hand shook and snapped him from his reverie.

Ally: So, what now?

He briefly considered the question before answering.

Chris: Well, before anything happens I think we should discuss this in person, preferably when I'm sober. Are you available tomorrow?

Ally: I guesssssss.

Chris: Alright. Then try to be here around 5, and we'll figure it out then.

Ally: Cool.

Sensing the end of the conversation, Chris returned to the edge of the bed, flopping down on his back with his phone in hand. He wasn't entirely sure of how to feel about what just happened. He was still upset about the whole situation, but maybe if he disciplined her for at least the events that led to it, and the general lack of respect he felt given, it would make it easier to parse the uncertain shift in their friendship. She was clearly trying, more than she ever had in the past to acknowledge his feelings on the matter, and maybe that meant that he was wrong about her trying to exit his life yet again. However, he knew that in his current state of mind and level of intoxication that he would not find a satisfying answer, and so he set an alarm and rolled onto his side, trying to quell the pestering thoughts and get some sleep before their meeting tomorrow.

Ally let out a nervous sigh as she lightly drummed her hands on the steering wheel of her car, two minutes away from Chris' apartment. Though she had made this drive multiple times in the past, even sometimes knowing that punishment laid at the end destination, the nerves usually didn't really get to her too much. However, the drive had allowed her time to reflect on the current situation between them, and she couldn't help but feel the conflicting emotions bubble up as she drew closer to his abode.

Of course, she had plenty of time to consider her feelings on the matter last night. She understood why Chris was upset. She was quite aware of his feelings towards her throughout the years, and though she was not always proud of it, she did knowingly use that fact to her advantage in her more morally questionable moments. To him, this must all seem like one of those times, an excuse to use him for her own benefit.

And maybe in a way it was, she truthfully considered, as she made the turn and started down the road that would lead to his home. Though she supposed it was a possibility, she didn't go into their arrangement expecting for it to be a permanent thing. She never stopped talking to her ex or other potential guys despite the commitment to their contract, because to her that was what it was; a disciplinary contract, separate from a romantic relationship. Though she knew the possibility of something developing existed, it was never the focus or expectation. The circumstances simply aligned for her to explore her kinky desires with someone she trusted, and she took it, not worrying about the future.

And she did trust Chris implicitly. She didn't hate him, they wouldn't have their long history if that were the case. They certainly made for good friends, and she couldn't deny that they had very strong compatibility as far as their kinks went. But whether those things would form the basis for a strong romantic relationship, she was not sure, and with her talks with her ex getting more serious, as well as her testing the waters with a few male acquaintances, the weight of the dynamic was starting to wear on her. Sure, she maybe shouldn't have ignored her rules, and talked to Chris about said concerns earlier, but what was she to do? She knew the second she said anything about taking it easy for a while with him, he would take it as a sign that she was ditching him again, regardless of if it were true. She just needed some time to figure her life out, that was all.

She parked the car outside the familiar building, and took a few moments to gather herself, before exiting the vehicle and making her way to his door. Although she had a good idea of what was about to happen, she didn't know what frame of mind Chris would be in, nor did she know how harsh her probable spanking would be. The anticipation leading up to this punishment was very different than the routine; normally Ally was spanked for breaking the rules, dumb stuff like failing to clean her room, doing poorly on a test, or occasionally getting sassy with him in a disrespectful way. Stuff that Chris took seriously as her disciplinarian, but was not of huge consequence in the grand scheme of things. This time, however, it was serious; she had offered herself up for discipline based on how she treated him, and even she could agree that it was poorly at best. And with how strongly Chris felt about the current situation, a pit began to form in her stomach as she began to consider just how bad this might end up for her rear end. Unfortunately, another familiar sensation began to grow, and Ally shook her head as the faint flickers of arousal started to grow underneath the building anticipation and uncertainty.

Soon she was at the door, and paused for only a moment before knocking. She heard the faint footsteps grow louder, and the door swung open. Chris gave her a curious, somber look, before giving her his customary greeting as he stepped back inside and walked towards the couch.



Ally followed him in, noting already that he was not in a good mood. Chris wasn't always the easiest person to read, but Ally had grown accustomed to his more subtle tells, and he had always said he found himself more open with her than almost anyone. She took a glance towards the kitchen, and noticed the pile of empty beer bottles grouped near the counter.

She almost smiled despite herself; though she had been the one to finally get Chris to drink with her for the first time a few weeks before all of this began, it was only one time and a few beers, and he had certainly not gotten as drunk as his messages last night hinted at. Normally Chris maintained a controlled demeanor, even when upset. Having him go off on her with much less regard for propriety was certainly a different experience, even through text. It was certainly amusing, and a just a little bit attractive if she was being honest.

Chris seemed to have noticed her eye line, a slight sad smirk crept across his face as he sat down. 

"Yeah, last night I wasn't my best."

"I could tell..." Ally remarked, a teasing tone on her voice despite the heavy mood in the room.

"Honestly, I blame you" he retorted. "Before you being drunk was a concern I never had to worry about. At this pace my liver's gonna give out by next month."

Ally rolled her eyes. "Please, your liver is fine. And it's not very like you to blame others for your shortcomings."

Chris grunted sarcastically and smiled back at her, before his expression returned to somber.

"I do apologize for last night. I do stand by most of what I said, but I didn't need to do so in such a combative manner."

Ally leaned back from her seat across from him. "It's really alright; you were drunk, and I partly deserved it. If anything, it was kind of nice to see you cut loose and tell me off like that, letting everything out."

"Hmm..." Chris hummed, giving her another curious expression. There was an awkward silence as they both eyed each other, trying to read the other's thoughts. Ally decided to break the silence.

"I just want to say before we start, that you shouldn't expect whatever happens tonight to change what I said last night. I feel bad, and I know that this isn't what you want, but I need my space to figure out what I want."

Chris smiled sadly, and crossed his arms. "As much as I wish it would, I sadly don't expect it too."

"Riiiight..." Ally paused for a moment. "I honestly kinda think that my apology should be enough for you, but if this is what you need to feel better, then whatever..."

Chris chuckled darkly, and his eyes filled with detached amusement. "Oh, did you not just say that you deserved this?"

"I said I deserved you yelling at me, but to say I deserved to be punished is a bit much, to be honest..."

Chris leaned forward in his seat. "Is that so? So with all the things that has happened these past few weeks, between you abandoning your chores without a single word to me about your concerns, ghosting my texts without reason, distancing yourself from me the second there's difficulty or inconvenience to our friendship, without a concern for how it effects me, you think a drunken scolding is a fitting, proper consequence?"

Ally shrugged her shoulders noncommittally. "I'm an asshole. I know."

"So you think it's okay for you to get away with that kind of disrespect? To just throw people away when circumstances don't suit you anymore?"

Ally huffed in frustration. "That's not what this is, Chris! I'm not throwing you or anything away! I know that you have feelings for me, but I'm not sure that I feel the same. We're good friends, and we have a lot in common sexually, yeah. But that doesn't mean that there's a future here, and I'm not sure there is. There's potential, sure. But like, if it were supposed to be a thing, I think I'd feel more sure about it, right? And I'm not. That doesn't mean I don't want to be friends or whatever when I figure things out. I just don't want to lead you on with the hope of this developing into something more when it probably won't."

Chris shook his head, running his hand through his hair roughly. "Yeah, but you know how I feel about you. You say you don't want to lead me on, but you also had no problem flirting with me when we hang out, or entertaining the possibility of taking it further than just the disciplinary contract in the past. I mean, if you were so unsure of the potential for this to be more between us, why would you even agree to such a long term, commitment based dynamic? Things seemed to be absolutely fine with us before this sudden shift in priority. From my perspective, it seems like there's clearly something here, but you never stick around or let it develop seriously. You always put up a wall, and the second things start to get real for you, you cut and run. It's quite clear there's potential, but because you know I'll stick around, it's easier to sideline me while you explore your other options. Just like you always have."

"That's not it though..." Ally disagreed. "It's because of our past that I wanted to try this. I've always had other things going on during our friendship, and yeah, the timing was good this time, so why not test the waters with you? I'm not saying that there's not something here, but the question is if it's something worth continuing to explore? That's why I need some time to find out what I want."

"Yeah, and how many times have I heard 'I need space' from you, and how many times has that ended with you disappearing from my life for months or years?" Chris pressed. "I would feel far better about all of this if you didn't have a history of doing this exact same thing to me, mixed messages and all."

"And I'm sorry for that" Ally admitted. "There's a reason I'm here; I'm trying to act in good faith. I know that you're hurting. I'm trying to meet you in the middle here."

"So you're saying you don't believe you deserve to be punished; you're just doing this for my sake?" Chris asked her again.

Ally threw up her hands. "I mean, no? I see where you are coming from. I didn't handle things perfectly, I know."

"Didn't handle things perfectly? Let's put aside everything else for a moment. Regardless of the current state of our friendship or dynamic, you still, while under the disciplinary contract, willfully ignored doing your chores for an entire week, despite me telling you that you would receive a severe punishment for any more infractions. You did so without raising any of your concerns beforehand, leaving me confused as to what was going on, and to top it off you actively ignored my attempts to figure it out until that Sunday. Does that not warrant getting your ass spanked bright red?"

Ally's cheeks flamed, and she dropped her eyes to her hands, feeling the familiar tingle of embarrassed anticipation spring to life in her chest, the same way it always did when she was scolded in such a manner.

"I mean, I was already having my doubts about all of this, and I knew you would react this way, so I figured why bother? Yeah, it wasn't the best thing to do, but I didn't want to have to deal with all this until I gathered my thoughts a bit more" she explained. 

"Yeah, or you could have done the proper thing, and said something to me so I knew what the hell was going on. I would have given you a reprieve if you truly were having doubts or needed a break, but instead you just, y'know, didn't even give me the opportunity."

Ally shrugged and sat in silence, figuring it was pointless to get into another argument over it.

Chris rubbed his eyes, and Ally could tell he was searching for the proper words. "I really don't want to rehash last night's conversation; it was bad enough drunk. I am obviously very hurt by everything going on, but that's not the main reason I think you need to be punished. It's because of the way you've consistently handled it. If you need time to figure stuff out, then I will accept that. But what I won't accept is this lack of respect that you seem to have towards me when it's not convenient for you. You went from being constantly checking in with me to brushing me off like nothing, just because you assumed you were free of getting spanked."

He took a calming breath, and continued. "Like I said before, I do think you deserve a spanking, a severe one no less. You would have earned it by not completing your chores after being warned last week alone, and that's without getting into anything else. But I'm not going to do it if you do not agree that you've earned it. It's meaningless to me if you are just taking it to make me feel better. I want it to be clear to both of us that this is punishment for your behavior, not just retribution."

"And what if I agree with being punished for certain things, and not others?" Ally questioned, feeling the ball of anticipation grow within her gut. She remembered quite clearly that Chris promised to give her a severe punishment should she slip up again this month. It was something that filled her with dread, by his admission she had only earned up to moderate punishments so far, and she was well aware of the items in his collection of implements that could be classified as 'severe.'

"Then you need to decide whether or not those things you agree with justify a spanking to you. In my view, you deserve a serious punishment for quite a few of them. I personally think only giving you one punishment is honestly letting you off lightly. But the choice is up to you."

Ally looked across the room, her vision unfocused, as she considered his words. She knew what she was in for when she suggested this last night. She knew that even if her actions weren't meant to harm Chris, they did so anyway, and she agreed that she made mistakes in how she approached the situation. But the knowledge that a severe punishment awaited her should she give her consent gave her pause. She was afraid of exactly what that might entail, and she didn't want her ass covered in marks for the next week.

"Okay, but when you say severe, like how bad are we talking?" She asked, avoiding a direct answer to his question.

"It'll be quite a step up from what you've experienced in the past" he answered, "in both pain and embarrassment."

"But like, why though?" She whined. "Isn't my apology and being here enough goodwill that like, you can give me what you normally do? It's bad enough when its only a normal punishment; I might like actually die if gets much worse. Like you actually might kill me."

Chris smirked in a way that only served to fuel her anxiety, and she cursed as she felt her arousal start to grow even stronger. "It's a spanking, Ally. You'll be fine" he chuckled. "It's no less than you deserve, and I don't intend to compromise on that."

"But like.... I really don't want to be bruised all week" she complained. 

"That's why we have the arnica cream" Chris responded. "I don't intent to mislead you; I do plan on using some of my more severe implements on you tonight. If you really are worried about marks, then I can downgrade slightly and make some substitutions. But know that if I do that, the other elements of your punishment are going to be much worse in comparison, namely the length and embarrassment components. I already intend for this to be quite a long and humbling experience for you, so in my opinion you are better off taking the harder spanking. I'm sure you don't want this to last all night."

Ally sat contemplating her options, the cocktail of emotions inside of her ready to burst.

"Fine; we'll do it your way" she grumbled, rolling her eyes to show her displeasure. She stretched nervously, then looked at Chris expectantly. He gave her a small, melancholy smile.

"Alright. There's just one thing I want to say before we do this. The second we step into my room, we are going to begin. This is a severe punishment; there will be absolutely no back talk, hesitation to follow commands, or any attempt to make my job more difficult. I normally give warnings for such things normally; I will not tonight. You will do exactly what you are told, when you are told, without a fight. If it gets to be too much, you can safeword, but otherwise you are to submit to your punishment fully. Do you understand?"

"Yeah, cool. Can we like, start and get this over with?" Ally groaned, anticipation boiling over, and unable to contain her nervous irritation any longer.

Chris' eyes narrowed at her for but a moment, but he stood and walked over to the seated Ally, wrapping his hand around her upper arm. 

"Alright, let's go young lady."

Ally whined and stomped her foot, but stood with him and allowed herself to be lead to the bedroom where her punishment would carried out.

Ally trudged her feet the whole way to Chris' bedroom, and when he opened it with his free hand she dug in her heels for a brief moment, having second thoughts about what was about to occur. But then Chris looked back at her with a raised eyebrow, and she begrudgingly shuffled into the room.

Upon entering the room, Ally could see that Chris had already set the chair he always used for punishment in the center of the room. Sitting on the bed was quite a few potential implements; his wooden hairbrush, the silicone spoon, and lexan paddle, all lying next to a bundle of cotton rope. The door to his closet was slightly ajar, and inside she could see the more severe implements she tried so hard to avoid feeling across her bottom while under his rules. The scene before her had captured her attention so intently that she didn't register what Chris had said until she felt she sharp sting of his hand connecting with the seat of her yoga pants.

"Ow! What?" she exclaimed, reaching back and rubbing her already stinging right cheek.

"Pay attention; I'm not going to repeat myself tonight. Strip down to your panties" he commanded.

Ally stared slackjawed at him for a moment, promptly regretting it as Chris quickly turned her again and delivered five full force swats to her ass.

"I'm not going to say it again. The longer you wait, the worse this gets" he warned, then strode forward and took a seat in the punishment chair. Ally ignored the pain flaring on her bottom, still staring at him incredulously.

"S-Strip? Like, everything?" she asked, her cheeks darkening as she processed his words.

"I didn't say everything; I said everything but your panties. I'll be taking those down myself" he informed her, his gaze even and unblinking.

"But like, don't you think that's a little inappropriate?" she stalled.

"Ally, this is a severe punishment. All elements of a traditional spanking are going to be heightened. That means the embarrassment too. It's not anything I haven't seen before, so I don't know what the big deal is" he stated simply, as if it were no issue at all.


"Ally, you are actively adding to your spanking for every second you are not undressed. I suggest you start following directions quickly" he warned.

Ally huffed her disapproval, but found her hands fumbling with the bottom of her shirt as she pulled it over her head. Her shoes and yoga pants were next, and both were tossed to the floor next to the crumbled top. Her eyes locked on the wall opposite her, she took a deep breath before reaching back and unhooking her bra, letting it fall to the floor before she gently kicked it aside.

"Good girl" he approved. "You are going to know exactly what it feels like to be exposed and vulnerable to someone else tonight, and have them use that fact to their advantage. Come stand in front of me; hands on your head, feet apart."

Almost completely bare to his gaze, only a small bit of cotton leaving her from being completely naked before him, Ally shifted on her feet as she slowly made her way within arms reach of him. With effort she pulled her hands behind her head and widened her stance, inwardly cursing as she felt her panties grow damp at being so on display. She kept her eyes forward, studying the wall across from her, too embarrassed to look at Chris directly. She knew on some level it was ridiculous; he had seen her naked before, and she had shown off far more intimate regions during previous spankings. But having her nudity be an active focus of the punishment made it feel much more revealing, and it was exacerbated by the knowledge that her panties would be soon to follow.

Though she was looking past him, Ally could tell that Chris was studying her body, and she could practically hear her heart beat in the otherwise silent room.

I guess it's not gonna be so quiet in a few minutes... a self deprecating voice wryly stated in the back of her mind. She stood there, feeling herself start to sweat, before gasping as Chris' put his hands on her waist, resting just above the hem of her panties.

"Ally, look at me" he said softly.

Taking a deep breath, she looked down and met his intense gaze.

"I'm not going to sit here and give you a long lecture, because we've had enough discussion about this over the past few days" Chris started. "We both know why we are here, and why this is about to happen. But just because we know why we're here, doesn't mean the lesson is learned yet. There is plenty we disagree about concerning our current situation. That's not the whole reason we're doing this. We're doing this because you need to learn to show me respect, regardless of the status of our friendship or relationship. It's not okay to ignore my texts or keep me in the dark with what's going on between us. Your intention might not be to hurt me with all of this, but it does, and when you pull stuff like that I can't help but think about the times in the past where you've done the exact same thing. I want to trust you going forward, regardless of what that looks like. Do you understand?"

"...Yes" Ally muttered, then yelped as his right hand swatted her left thigh.

"You know how to address me during a spanking, young lady. Try again" he scolded.

Ally shifted on her feet, trying to throw off the burning  hand print on the back of her leg. "Yes, sir."

"Good. Let's get these down then." Chris' hands grasped the waistband of her panties and began to pull.

Ally groaned as the wet fabric pulled away from her pussy, and she was completely exposed to him. She obediently stepped out of the underwear, but rather than being tossed to the pile made up of the rest of her clothes, Chris rubbed his thumb over the crotch of the panties.

"Yeah, you should never try to tell me again that you don't want or need this lifestyle" he teased. "This is the most wet I've ever seen you get before a punishment. Does this turn you on that much?"

Her embarrassment began to boil over, and Ally squirmed in place. "No..." was her unconvincing response. 

"Really, you're lying to me now too. Should I spank you for that too? The proof is right here." He raised the prominent wet spot up to her eye line, daring her to claim otherwise.

Ally looked away, feeling her cheeks flush scarlet. Chris held the garments up until he was sure a response wasn't coming, then tossed them to the side.

"Well, in just a moment you'll be showing everything to me anyway, and the truth will be quite clear" he hummed. He tapped his hand on her hip, signalling her to move to his side. "Well, it's gonna be a long night for you; let's not waste anymore time. Bend over."

Ally was almost looking forward to going over his knee, if only to not have to stand in front of him so exposed anymore. But now that the moment was here, she felt herself hesitate. She knew that the second she was over his lap, there would be no going back. She would suffer the severe punishment she tried so hard to avoid. It was as terrifying as it was a turn on. An almost imperceptive tap to her thigh informed her that it was time to decide. With trepidation, she bent at the waist and laid over his lap.

Chris wasted no time in getting her into the proper position, and Ally groaned in discomfort as she was jostled over his knee into the familiar pose. Her body was bent forward, her head dangling a little more than a foot off the ground. Her hips were quickly raised above the rest of her body, her ass being made a perfect target for the punitive discipline to come. A quick tap to her inner thigh reminded Ally of her legs, and swallowing her modesty she widened her legs as much as she could, no doubt giving Chris quite the view.

As she expected, she felt his hand rub up and across the (currently) pale skin of her bottom. She suppressed a moan as he kneaded the flesh of her lower cheek, stimulating the nerves of her nearby nether regions. She felt his hands briefly pull her cheeks apart, and bit down on the inside of her cheek as she felt the air rush to her exposed holes.

"Hmm... I don't know, Ally. You might say this doesn't turn you on that much, but by the looks of things back here, that seems to be quite the lie. You're practically dripping down your thighs..." she heard his voice tease. Ally felt the urge to clamp her legs closed, but could only groan as she felt a pulse of desire run through her groin.

Time seemed to stand still as Ally felt herself being visually inspected, caught in a confusing mixture of embarrassment of her current physical exposure and the yearning for his fingers to explore further. Then she felt his hands shift; his left placed firmly on her hip and his right moving to the center of her ass. She mentally prepared as his elbow moved to her lower back, locking her in place over his lap.

The first spank came much faster and with much more impact than she anticipated, and she couldn't contain the muffled yelp of surprised pain as the force rocked through her lower body. She barely had a moment to catch herself before the next fell, and Ally quickly realized that Chris meant what he said about this punishment being a step above what she'd received before.

Ally was quite familiar at this point with Chris's hand spanking technique. He normally spent a few minutes working on reddening every inch of her bottom, making her quite sore all over before upping the intensity of the spanks and focusing on her sensitive sit spots and thighs to bring her to cries and tears. However, this spanking was turning out to be quite different, as Chris was smacking the same part of her ass multiple times, up to fifteen spanks in a row, to the point that it was almost unbearable, before he moved to a new, untouched region. Rather than spreading the pain out evenly before going up in intensity, he concentrated on increasingly forceful swats until Ally was squirming and bucking under the focused effort before he chose a different location. The end result would be the same; a completely sore bottom properly warmed up for real punishment with an implement, but unlike the gradual process that she was used to, able to mentally prepare herself for it getting progressively worse, this technique left her guessing at the next location that would be targeted, and was rapidly bringing her to the threshold of sobs as she was introduced to a heighten level of pain much earlier than normal.

Oww..... okay, you can do this! Don't cry out - FUCK -before he uses something on you. Just ride it out..... SHIT. 

Ally's jumbled thoughts tried to catch up with the pain her bottom was feeling, but she could already feel herself starting to lose the battle, as she inevitably started to whine and yelp every time Chris landed more than ten swats on one spot. These begrudging exclamations of discomfort began to start bleeding into each other, and much sooner than her pride would like she felt moisture starting to build around her eyes.

Suddenly Chris started smacking her the very top of her right thigh, and Ally's thoughts completely blanked as pain racked her body. She had started counting the smacks internally in an effort to gain some control over the situation, and noticed that he had so not spanked her more than seventeen times on the same spot. But much too quickly for her liking, the swats to her right thigh reached twenty, then thirty. Ally lost focus around three spanks later, her attention solely focused on getting her sit spot out of the line of fire. She writhed and kicked in an effort to escape from the torturous onslaught, and felt Chris's grip tighten on her waist and his elbow push down into the small of her back in an effort to control her movements.

"Young lady, stop squirming and take your punishment, or this will get far worse!" Chris warned, pausing for only a moment to push her folded legs back down to land more smacks to her tenderized flesh.

"I'm trying! It fucking hurts!" Ally begged, her voice already cracking and strained. "I can't if you keep hitting the same place...."

"You will" he warned, "or this will happen." Ally stared at the floor, briefly taken aback by his words, before they became crystal clear as the crack of the hairbrush rang out, and a blazing fire broke out on her thigh. Chris landed five swats with the hairbrush right where he had been spanking for the last thirty seconds, and and Ally's mind went blank trying to process the pain as she pathetically cried out and kicked her legs out. 

Suddenly, his hand began to apply discipline to her left upper thigh in the same manner, and Ally could only grind her teeth and punch at the floor as she went through the same experience on her opposite leg as Chris landed over forty spanks to the same spot. The cognizant part of Ally's mind was certain she would have permanent hand prints across both thighs for the rest of her life.

Chris's hand started working it's way back over the rest of her bottom, filling in the spots he had missed. Ally groaned and pushed her palm into her forehead as the patchwork throbbing pain of her ass started to melt into a uniform blazing flame. She could only guess at how long she had been over his knee already, and her heart dropped when she remembered his words that this would be a longer spanking than she had experienced before. 

The constant stream of smacks suddenly stopped, and Ally felt herself gasp at the brief respite from the pain. She quickly worked on catching her breath, all too aware of the sound of Chris reaching back and grabbing something off the bed. She felt his hand return to her bottom, rubbing the inflamed flesh, both an act of kindness and torture as the rubbing was equally therapeutic and painful. She slowly melted down into his lap, at the moment just grateful for the brief respite from her punishment.

She was so lost in this moment of relative piece, that when she felt his hand retreat and a long pause followed, she didn't anticipate what was coming next. Her brief break was quickly shattered when she felt a small, oval shaped rubbery object crack down across her right cheek, and she immediately whimpered and kicked her leg out as the spanking began anew. 

She knew instantly from the unique sensation that it was the silicone spoon. In the past, she had received a few swats with it for not staying still during corner time, but had yet to endure a proper spanking with it. While it didn't have to weight or thud of the hairbrush or paddle, the small impact area and relative light weight produced a very sharp sting, and it's use on her warmed up bottom was tantamount to torture. Ally tried her very hardest to stay still, but Chris was using the same technique he started her punishment with, bringing the spoon down upwards of ten to twenty times on one patch her rapidly reddening rear, and soon she couldn't take it anymore. 

Her feet dug into the carpet, and she bucked and twisted in an effort to stand, only to be forced back into position by the arm across her back. 

"You are not going anywhere, you naughty brat" Chris chided, landing harder spanks as he turned his attention back down to her sit spots. 

"Please! I can't take anymore Chris.... I'm sorry!" Ally begged, her hands digging into the carpet, as her body did anything it could do minimize the pain. She started to feel the very first tears start to fall and drip to the floor below.

"Ally, if you can't hold position, then this is going to get even worse for you" he reminded her, his voice surprisingly soft. "Do you need me to pin you down?"

Ally couldn't bring herself to answer, knowing that at the current pace maintaining position would be almost impossible, and yet the thought of being pinned in place for her punishment, unable to avoid the swats terrified her. Chris must have taken her silence for an answer, as she felt her hips being shifted onto his left leg, and his right leg pinned her thighs down. He gently pushed her forward until her elbows were touching the carpet, her body jackknifed at more than a ninety degree angle. 

Seemingly satisfied, the spanking continued. The sobs started very soon after, as locked in place Ally had no means of combating the punishment anymore, allowing Chris to strike exactly where he wanted over and over again. Her arms drummed against the floor as he blistered her bottom for what felt like forever as the minutes seemed to stretch out infinitely. Despite her cries, Chris was merciless, and Ally slowly felt the will to fight him flicker out. She simply laid across his knee and sobbed as the swats rained down.

Finally the last crack of the spoon filled the air, and Chris set down the spoon on the bed. Ally laid across his leg, fighting the wracked sobs that continued to heave her chest. Still bent sharply over his knee, she felt his hands begin to rub her no doubt cherry red bottom. Ally groaned, partly in discomfort at having the sensitive skin touched so quickly, but also in frustration as she became increasingly aware of the wetness of her pussy, completely exposed to her punisher in this compromised position.

However, though there was no way he couldn't have noticed, Chris didn't say anything, merely gently rubbing his hand across the sit spots, easily the most sore region of her ass. So she merely laid there and let him stroke her, using the opportunity to regain her composure.

A few minutes passed, before Ally felt the pressure against her legs retreat and an arm snake around her chest just under her breasts, lifting her to her feet. Her watery eyes found Chris's, and for a moment they just stared at each other. He looked like he was thinking on something, but quickly his gaze turned resolute.

"Ally, you are halfway done. You are going to do some corner time to reflect upon the actions that got us here, and so that your backside can have some rest in preparation for the cane."

At the mention of the cane, all momentary relief Ally felt drained out of her immediately and her heart hit the floor.

"Chris, no.... I'm-"

Chris's hand found purchase across her right ass cheek, and the pain immediately blossomed again.

"Young lady, I told you no backtalk or non-compliance. You have earned what you're getting; now put your nose in that corner, fold your arms behind your back, and stick your ass out as far as you can. I will call you out when I'm ready."

Suddenly feeling her previous trepidation return, Ally had no choice but to huff and shuffle towards the corner, taking the position that Chris had asked. It was different than the usual hands on head pose she was accustomed to, and already she cursed the additional strain and exposure this new position required. She already hated how on display she felt during normal cornertime; now, completely naked and her ass pushed out, the humiliation was doubled.

And yet, she knew that she agreed to this, and that there was no point in turning back now. Maybe by enduring this punishment, the tension between them could be cleared up, if only a little. She did care for Chris, even if she was unsure of their future together, she still considered him a dear friend. She knew that she hurt him with her actions, and so if by taking a little bit of pain herself, she could help mend the harm dealt by her actions, maybe it was worth it. And yet, even as she resolved to see this through to the end, her heart continued to thump in her chest as she knew that soon she'd be called out of the corner, and be bent over to feel the sting of the cane.

Chris sat back on the bed, calming himself for what was to come. It had been twenty minutes since he had sent Ally to the corner, and he had time to contemplate the events that just transpired. 

He would be lying if he said that giving her the first part of her punishment wasn't on some level cathartic. He was truly hurt by her actions, and making sure she felt the repercussions of her choices made him feel as though a small bit of justice was achieved. Still, he knew that they were not yet finished, and that the next part would be much worse. He began to unwind the cotton rope lying on the bed next to him, knowing that they would need it to get through the rest of this punishment.

He let out a calming sigh, then raised his voice and called to Ally. 

"Young lady, come here. It's time to finish your spanking."

Ally slowly turned and stretched as she slowly walked towards him. Chris had to steel himself; looking at Ally, completely nude, face still flushed and tear streaks still on her cheeks, bottom bright red, was almost too much for him to take. While he had been turned on since the punishment began, his cock began to swell at the perfect sight before him. He attempted to shake the thoughts of the perverse things he wanted to do to her to the side, and resolved to do his job without further distraction.

"Put your wrists and forearms together and hold them out in front of you" he ordered. 

Ally rocked on her heels, reluctant to follow his direction, knowing full well what would follow. 

"Ally, I don't want to have to give you anymore than I already plan to. I won't ask again."

She continued to nervously sway back and forth on her feet, but thrust her arms out in compliance. Chris quickly set to work, binding her wrists together with practiced precision. Confident that the knot would not collapse or come undone, he firmly tugged on the other end, pulling Ally forward and over the bed, bending at the waist over the edge of the bed. He quickly tied the rope down to the bed frame set against the wall, making sure that there was little slack for her to struggle against.

Finished with the knot, he backed up and circled around behind her, taking a moment to appreciate his handiwork. Smiling slightly to himself, he shook his head and addressed her again.

"Ally, I know that you've already endured a fairly tough spanking, but we are not done yet. I told you that I would give you a severe punishment, and I intend to make good on that statement. I don't care what happens between us; you will respect me and my feelings. I know you may feel differently than I do about our potential future, but that is not an excuse for the way you've acted. Do you understand?"

"...Yes, sir" was her muffled reply, her face buried in the blankets of the bed.

"Alright. I'm going to warm you back up with my hand, and then we will finish up with the cane."

Chris stepped up next to Ally, putting his hands on her hips. Ally jumped and looked back at him, not expecting him to grab her. However, as Chris began to turn her onto her back and reach down to her legs, it seemed to dawn on her, and she whined in embarrassment. 

"Please, can you just leave me bent over? It's humiliating!" she complained, as Chris lifted her legs over her head, completely exposing her red bottom, as well as everything between her legs.

"Good. It's supposed to be. I told you that you would learn what it's like to feel vulnerable and exposed, at the whim of someone else's desires" Chris stated plainly. He didn't give her a chance to argue further; his hand quickly swung down and landed with a loud clap against her left butt cheek.

Chris began spanking fast and vigorously, smacking her rosy red ass over and over again, reigniting the embers of her previous discipline into a roaring flame. Ally whined and yelped as his hand found purchase across her upper thighs and lower cheek, much easier to strike precisely in this more vulnerable position. 

While he normally had iron clad self control, Chris found that he had to concentrate on the spanking as to not become distracted by the sight before him. The perspective given to him by this position was very different than the one normally afforded to him when she was over his knee. With Ally on her back facing him, he could see her face scrunch up in pain as the spanks rained down on her ass. Her breasts bounced with every smack as she squirm from side to side, her arms held taut above her head by the rope around her wrists. Her legs were held high above her head, splaying her legs and giving him an unobstructed view of her clearly soaked pussy and anus. Her ass wriggled back and forth as each swat caused the reddened flesh to jiggle, accompanied by sweet sound of her pained exclamations filling the air. It was quite a sensory overload, and the perverse thoughts that he had tried to suppress earlier began to bubble back to the surface.

The spanking lasted just over five minutes, but Chris was not actively keeping track of the time. His only concern was delivering an effective, memorable experience; one that he hoped would stick in Ally's mind for years to come. He continued to bring his hand down again and again on her defenseless butt until the sounds of her sobs and cries started to fill the room once more. He pulled her legs up high over her head, then delivered a final five swats to each of her sit spots, and let her legs fall.

Ally laid sobbing on the bed before him, tears welling up around her eyes and slowly rolling back towards the bed. The cotton rope around her wrists was partially slack for the first time since it was anchored, as she simply let her arms fall to the bed as the fight was taken out of her. Chris was solely tempted to end it here, but he knew that she would not fully benefit from the experience without the final act.

"Ally, roll on to your stomach, and spread your legs shoulder width apart. It's time to finish this."

Too exhausted to fight him anymore, she simply sobbed and tried to roll, requiring a little assistance from him to get back into the proper position. Chris took a few pillows from the head of the bed and pushed them under her hips, raising her butt to the ideal height for what was to come. Satisfied, he strode to the closet, picked his way past the hanging paddles and floggers, and unhitched the cane from it's hook.

He walked back around the bed, taking his place behind Ally, who merely whined and buried her face in the blankets.  Chris took a few practice swings, noting with slight sadistic satisfaction as Ally's butt clenched involuntarily at the sound of the delrin cutting through the air. Feeling ready, he tapped the cane to her bottom.

"Now listen, Ally. I don't want to have to give you extras. All you have to do is lay there and keep your butt raised up for each stroke. Do not try to get up, do not try to roll away. Just take your caning like a good girl, and it'll be over before you know it."

Not waiting for a response, and wishing to bring the ordeal to an end, Chris tapped the cane to her skin three times, then brought it snapping down across the center of her ass. The cane whistled through the air before the sound of its cutting impact filled the room.

Ally immediately jumped, the pain seemingly a shock to her system, before she started bargaining. "Nope, no way. I can't take that. Chris, please let me up. I said I'm sorry. I-"

The second stroke cut through the air and landed lower, close to her sit spots, and Ally cried out, before burying her face in the blankets and screaming in frustration. A sound that ran perfectly into the shout of pain when the third stroke fell.

Chris carried out the caning methodically, leaving ten to fifteen seconds between each smack, only pausing to remind Ally to return to position. He had a relative number of strokes in his mind, but the total number would depend on how well she took her caning.

For her part, Ally screamed, moaned, and cried into the blanket, the rope around her wrist pulled taut, her body shaking with tremors as the cane continued to slice down and into her bottom. While she flailed and kicked her legs in what appeared to be a desperate attempt to throw off the pain, she appeared cognizant enough to return to position before the next stroke fell, no doubt trying to not take any more than what was absolutely necessary.

By the tenth stroke, Ally had long, raised welts lining the flesh of her ass, almost resembling a bar code. Chris felt pride in how accurate he had been in spacing them out, but now resolved himself to finishing the spanking memorably.

The next three strokes all fell on Ally's sit spots, slightly overlapping, and the wails of distress coming from the distraught, punished girl told him that they were effective. He lined up the last two swats, the first just below her sit spots, right on the uppermost region of her thighs. He took a long breath, tapped the cane with intent across the meatiest part of her bottom, and with as much force as her felt safe delivering, cracked the implement down on the center of her ass. Ally's accompanied wail signaled the end of the punishment.

Chris propped the cane against the wall, then walked over to the bed and began to gently untie Ally from the bed. He examined her wrists as the rope fell away, and though there were slight red lines from where she had yanked against her bonds, they seemed unharmed. He gingerly helped Ally to her feet, noting that she was a looked a little uneasy on her feet.

He gripped Ally's lower chin, looking into her puffy eyes and flushed and tear stricken face. "You did very well. I want you to go stand in that corner for fifteen minutes, while I clean up and put everything away. If you'd rather not stand, you are free to sit on the punishment stool facing the wall instead, but given the state of your bottom I'd imagine that traditional corner time will be more comfortable for you. When you're down, you are going to go back over my lap on the bed, and I'm going to apply the anti-bruising cream. Okay?"

Ally nodded her head, giving him a remorseful glance, and walked over to the corner, placing her hands on her head and taking her place. Chris worked quickly, hanging the cane back onto its hook and placing the smaller implements into the backpack he kept them in. He then pushed the chair into against the wall and began to rewind the cotton rope, sitting on the bed and studying the bottom of the girl standing in the corner.

Ally's ass was a splotched, crimson mess from her upper cheek all the way down to almost mid thigh. Small, oval shaped marks blended with the faint handprints that melded together to form as sea of cherry red across the skin. The distinctive dark thin red lines that accompanied a caning ran up and down her mid to lower cheeks, overlapping slightly near her sitspots where he focused most of his attention. He was certain that sitting would be extremely uncomfortable for the next few days.

He reached into the side end table and pulled out a tube of arnica cream. They had only used the cream a few times after prior punishments, starting after Ally ended up bruised for a few days following a hairbrush spanking. It seemed to work fairly well at limiting the long term marking that a spanking with a thuddy implement tended to cause, so Chris hoped that it would do a similarly good job on the marks left by the cane.

Chris spent the remaining corner time both watching the clock and studying Ally's naked form, noting the possibility that it could be the last time he saw her in such a state. A sadness set over him; despite feeling that justice was carried out in response to Ally's harmful actions, he still knew that the greater issue that caused those actions still stood. Trying not to dwell on it too much at the moment, he noticed that the fifteen minutes had passed, and decided to focus on the current moment.

He called Ally over to him, and she turned and made her way to him with a tired gait. Her embarrassment at her nudity seemed to be completely gone, and she stood in front of him as he scooted back on the bed and patted his thighs. Without a word, she lowered herself across his legs, her body laying face down on the bed, her bottom raised up on his lap.

Chris quickly snapped the lid on the tube of the anti-bruising cream, squirting a generous amount on his right hand and slowly started to rub the cream into her sensitive bottom. He tried to be as gentle and soft as possible, but Ally still whined and squirmed as his hand ghosted over her punished flesh. He found himself having to lightly push down on her lower back just to keep her still enough to properly apply the cream.

"Ally, relax" he tried to soothe, his hand rubbing the cream lightly into the center of her cheeks, garnering small whimpers from the prostrated girl.

"It hurts..." she complained.

"I know, but it needs to be done if you don't want bruises. Think of it as part of your punishment" he replied, squirting more cream onto his fingertips and rubbing it into the skin. "Now spread your legs; I need to get your sitspots and thighs."

Ally grumbled his displeasure into the bed, but acquiesced to his request. Chris started rubbing along the area he focused the most on punishing, eliciting even more groans of discomfort. 

"Save your complaining" he teased. "It doesn't hurt that much. I'd almost hazard a guess and say you're enjoying this."

"Nope. Way too painful."

"That didn't stop you from getting turned on during your punishment" he hummed accusingly. "You can't lie about that; you had everything on display. I wonder, if I checked between these legs right now, would your pussy still be that wet?"

Ally shrugged from her face down position, not bothering to look back at him. "Who knows?" she questioned back, her tone surprisingly playful.

"Oh, well I guess I'll just have to take a look" he reasoned, wiping the residue of the cream off on a nearby washcloth he grabbed from the side table. He then reached down and carefully pried her legs apart, raising his right leg slightly so that he could angle her hips for a better look. He kind of expected Ally to struggle, and if she fought him in any way he would relent, but she merely sighed and allowed him to expose her further.

"As expected, you are still absolutely drenched down here" Chris noted dryly, taking note of the juices coating not only her crotch but also streaked across her inner thighs. "Enjoying the cream being applied a little more than you let on, are you?"

"Nope. Told you, hurts too much."

"Oh, would you prefer if I rubbed you somewhere else?" he questioned, his right hand dipping lower and brushing against her inner thigh.

She hummed as if considering her options. "It's possible, I suppose" she stated noncommittally, her voice airy and flirty.

"Well, one way to find out" he answered, and with his pointer finger lightly traced over her swollen folds, noting the moan of pleasure that followed.

"Is this supposed to be part of my punishment too?" she asked, her breathy, playful tone not hiding her aroused state.

"Oh, do you not want me to touch you?" he asked, his fingers tracing up and down her pussy, only pausing to circle around her clit. Ally arched her back and began to gently thrust her hips up to meet his hand.

"Maybe, maybe not" she teased again.

"Well, if you want me to stop, all you have to do is ask" he informed her, as his left hand slowly slid up her back and entangled in her hair and slowly pulled back as he slid a single finger inside of her.

In sharp contrast to the whines and hisses of discomfort not five minutes prior, Ally's moans and sighs of pleasure soon filled the room, as Chris continued his ministrations along her aching pussy. Chris's right hand continued to play with her dripping hole, while his left had released her hair and snaked around her throat, lightly squeezing to the apparent satisfaction of the girl writhing in pleasure on his lap. Her hips continued to pump back and forth in timing with his finger's efforts, and her breathing had become ragged and shallow in pleasure.

Chris debated landing a few smacks to her upturned ass, but while he was sure under normal circumstances that would help lead to a quick and powerful orgasm, as it stood currently she was probably too sore for it to do anything but bring back the incessant pain from her punishment. Chris felt her body starting to tense under him.

"Don't you dare cum without permission, young lady" he teased, his middle finger firmly pressed against her clit. "You don't want another spanking, do you?"

What ever smartass retort she had planned got lost in a moan, and Chris smirked to himself. He continued playing with her, confident that her orgasm was fast approaching. Her movements became more fervent, her moans higher pitched and starting to run into each other. Her stomach grinded up and down on the hard cock pressed against her, and Chris started having to suppress his own groans of pleasure.

Suddenly, her hands dug into the blanket and she began begging. "Please, please, please let me cum."

"Not yet, young lady. Ride the edge for me" He slowed his efforts, only using a single finger to barely ghost his touch up and down her slit. Ally sighed in frustration, but her grip on the blanket relaxed. Chris gave her a minute to calm down, then continued at his previous pace.

Soon after Ally's fingers were digging into the blanket again, and her body locked up with tension. "I'm gonna cum. It's gonna happen if you don't stop. I'm warning you..."

"Well then, you better ask nicely; I have no problem spanking you right here should you cum without permission."

"Please?" she whined, her hips having a mind of their own as they gyrated over his lap.

"Please, what?" he teased.

Ally bit down on the blanket, then moaned as her back locked up again.

"Please sir, can I cum? Please, please, please?"

Chris chuckled and leaned down close to her ear.

"Go ahead. Cum for me" he commanded, rolling his finger over her clit again and again, pressing firmly against the flesh.

Almost immediately, Ally groaned and her pussy began to clamp down in pleasure. Her legs tried to snap closed but Chris quickly released her neck and pried them open so he could continue his efforts as she came. Her moans reached a fever pitch, and Chris felt her fluids dripping down his hand and onto the bed. 

Ally rode out her orgasm on his lap for a few seconds, the pain in her bottom briefly background noise as she took her pleasure. Slowly, she seemed to come down, and with it Chris slowed his ministrations and carefully retracted his soaked hand, wiping it off on the washcloth.

"Such a naughty little brat, getting so turned on by a punishment" he teased as he cleaned his hand. But Ally didn't respond, laying still over his lap. Chris watched her for a moment, wondering if something was off, before he heard her speak.

"Can you please let me up?" 

It wasn't a playful tone, instead far more neutral and detached than one would expect following what just happened. Chris leaned back, allowing Ally to get to her feet. Without looking at him, she stood and took a heavy breath, then quickly padded over to her haphazard pile of clothes on the floor.

"Ally, is something wrong?" Chris asked, slightly concerned by the dramatic shift in tone.

She pulled on her panties before speaking.

"Chris, I'm sorry, but I don't need this right now. I came over here to make up for how I acted, but that doesn't change things between us. I need to take a break from this, and focus on myself. And stuff like that does not help." 

She continued to throw clothes on quickly, and Chris scooted to the edge of the bed, feeling a pit in his stomach.

"Ally, what's going on? Did you not like that? You could have just said something, and I would have stopped."

"No, and it's not your fault. That was..... interesting, to say the least. But I don't want to lead you on and have you think this is going somewhere when there's a strong possibility that it isn't. I don't want to be that asshole."

"But why? You clearly need this enjoy and need this dynamic, and we have great chemistry. It's obvious that you feel something for me; you don't just show up to anyone's house and let them spank and finger you. Why can't we just see where it goes."

"Because you're not the only one in my life" she raised her voice, frustration clear on her face. She slipped on her top and pulled on her shoes. "I don't know what I want, and while that was great, it doesn't change the fact that I need some time to figure out my shit, and where something like this belongs in it. It's not you, really. It's just..." She straighten up her clothes, than looked at him apologetically.

"Chris, I'm sorry, but I have to go. This isn't me running off, but I need to leave. I'll text you at some point." And with those words she turned towards the door.

Chris had a million things he wanted to say to her in that moment. How much she meant to him, how obvious their chemistry would be together if she just gave it a chance, how this was shaping up to be no different than the other times she ran out of his life. But he said nothing, knowing that it would all be meaningless right now, and he didn't want to upset her further. So he instead leaned back on the bed and closed his eyes, listening intently and with sadness he heard the doorknob to the front door twist and the door fall shut.

He laid there for a few moments, reflecting on the events that had just transpired. While he still felt a vague sense of contentment about Ally's discipline, knowing that it was well earned and justified, he couldn't shake the overwhelming melancholy as he sat alone in his room, replaying the events in his mind over and over; from their discussion prior to the discipline, the spanking itself, her body so warm across his legs as she climaxed, and their brief, uncertain argument.

Well, if I'm gonna feel like shit mentally, I might as well feel it physically as well, he bitterly reasoned, and slowly shuffled his way to the kitchen, opening the fridge door and grabbing another beer from the shelf. From an outside perspective, he supposed it was amusing; he only drank when Ally was involved, and yet there was a steadily growing collection of bottles accumulating on his kitchen counter. With a sad, uneven gait, he walked back to his room, took a long swig of the bitter liquid and prepared himself for yet another long night of little sleep and restless emotions.

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