
Eyes of Dominance

Chris. 32 year old nerdy dom that sometimes writes stories about naughty brats learning their lesson. Taylor Swift aficionado. Looking for my naughty girl. Kik: LonghairedDom. NJ.

Spanking by Suit

Caitlyn was bundled up snug in her bed scrolling through her phone when the text she had been anticipating finally arrived. She sighed heavily to herself, before opening Sam’s message.

Sam: Just a reminder babe, you’ve got five minutes until it’s time.

She closed her eyes and whined to herself. She could never shake the bundle of nerves and anticipation creeping through her, regardless of how routine such a text had become. Her boyfriend graciously gave her space before a maintenance session, but still felt the need to warn her of the impending deadline, as if she wasn’t keenly aware of each passing minute. It’s not like they normally had anything else scheduled at 7pm on a Friday. She supposed that the gesture could be taken as endearing, with him looking after her, but it did nothing to calm the butterflies in her stomach. 

She lazily kicked the blankets off of her legs and reluctantly stood up. She only had a handful of minutes to make her way to the living room where Sam would be waiting. She loved to push his buttons, but had not yet ever risked inviting his ire by not showing up exactly on time. It hardly seemed wise with what was about to occur. So after a quick trip to the restroom, she made a show of begrudgingly shuffling down the hall. Sam sat on the couch in front of her, surrounded by several nondescript storage bags filled with all manner of tantalizing and terrifying items, with a deck of cards neatly stacked on the coffee table.

Like many couples practicing domestic discipline, Sam and Caitlyn utilized maintenance spankings. A regularly scheduled butt whooping helped them keep the dynamic feeling fresh and present, with the added benefit of serving as a reminder for Caitlyn to keep up good behavior in the absence of recent punishment. They had practiced these biweekly maintenance sessions for a bit over a year, and the effects on both of their mental well beings was noticeable. As much as she played the part of a reluctant girl annoyed at her regular trips over the knee, she secretly looked forward to these scheduled spankings, at least for the few days preceding it. Of course, all that desire couldn’t completely wipe away the nerves that accompanied waiting for one’s bottom to be smacked, but the mix of anticipation and trepidation before a spanking was an intoxicating, addicting feeling for her. Especially after the modifications they had made to the formula of the sessions.

At first, the maintenance spankings were all equally exciting and nerve wracking, and Caitlyn both feared and longed for her each planned trip over her boyfriend’s knee. However, like many things that become routine, over time the excitement before each session slowly faded and was replaced with a feeling of mundanity, the heady cocktail of emotions gradually dulled to a warm sense of appreciation. That’s not to say that they were any less effective, but despite their best efforts each session became more and more a background detail of their lives, rather than something to look forward to.

They had discussed this conundrum a few months into their regiment. Sam had agreed with her feelings, and had been regularly swapping implements to be more unpredictable, but even then preferences arose over time. In addition, he brought up the concern that she might be resentful of him should any one session be more severe or lacking based on his whims alone. Caitlyn was a tough girl, and preferred him to err on the side of roughness. She was more worried about having an unfulfilling session than getting an undeserved walloping. Still, Sam argued that as a scheduled spanking, it should remain more or less “fair,” as opposed to a spanking for punishment or in a moment of passion, which were solely up to his discretion.

After a few days of deliberation, Sam created a solution. He called it “Spanking by Suit.” After a brief period of testing, they had swapped out their old system of maintenance spankings and replaced it with this new game. Many new rules and caveats had been added over time, but overall it was a resounding success. Even months after its introduction, Caitlyn still sometimes found herself mentally tracking days in relation to how close they were to each scheduled session. In fact, it might have been too much of a success, as despite her weeklong anticipation, the hours before each maintenance spanking left her with a pit in her gut not unlike waiting for a punishment to be administered. Still, the excitement returning to her life was worth every moment of dreadful waiting. As Caitlyn dragged her feet over to the couch, her eyes glanced down at the deck of cards again, the arbiter of her fate. 

In essence, Spanking by Suit was a randomized spanking session, determined by the drawing of cards. Depending on the suit, number, or color of the cards drawn, Caitlyn would be subject to any number of unique situations and punishments. It was completely random, removing the possibility of preference or bias becoming an issue, and as it was almost completely at the whim of the cards, Sam bore no responsibility for how severe a session might end up. While the game originally only determined the implement to be used, multiple different modifiers for the session were now included into it.

Caitlyn started to disrobe as she reached the side of the couch. There were only three constants to every session of Spanking by Suit. The first was that she was to be completely naked from the start to the end. She had no right to modesty during a spanking, and every part of her had to be easily accessible depending on what cards were drawn. As for the second constant…

She grimaced as she threw her short t-shirt over the arm of the couch, then pulled her shorts and panties down in one quick motion. She gently kicked them across the room and out of the way. Then she knelt down next to her boyfriend’s leg and placed her hands behind her head. No matter how many times she did this, it never got any easier. Especially the eye contact. But knowing that Sam wouldn’t start without it, she slowly looked up at him and held his gaze.

“Please sir, will you give me my maintenance spanking?” she asked as demurely as she could muster.

Sam smirked at her forced subservient tone, and Caitlyn felt her stomach twist in embarrassment while a familiar heat pooled between her legs. “Of course I will sweetheart, how nice of you to ask” he smiled in return. Caitlyn groaned inaudibly. Such a remark from him meant that he was feeling particularly sadistic tonight, which meant that no matter what the cards chose for her, she would not be getting off easy.

He reached down and began to shuffle the deck. He had gotten quite good at the various flourishes and shuffles over the last few months, and often joked that he should take up learning card manipulation to “influence” the results. Not that he would in truth; in fact he made her draw the cards, as an act of choosing her own fate. She was free to pick from anywhere within the face down deck, but she normally just picked whatever card was on top. Through sheer coincidence and bad luck, the vast majority of the times she tried pulling from a random card within the deck, it had ended poorly for her, so now she just let the shuffle determine the result. Finally he set the cards on the table and cut the deck. He then nodded towards the stack pointedly. 

Slowly Caitlyn reached out, one hand still behind her head. The first draw of the night. The suit of this card would determine what “accessory” she would be wearing for the duration of the session. A diamond meant nothing, clubs meant clothespins attached to her nipples, spades meant a butt plug pushed in with no lube, and finally hearts meant an insertable vibrator in her pussy set on low for the duration of the night. 

Her fingers brushed against the back of the top card. She always hoped for hearts. Not that she would be granted the privilege of orgasm, of course. Such things would be determined by a later draw. If anything, one could consider the constant low hum of pleasure while having to suppress your body's reaction a form of torture, but it was an exquisite torture nonetheless. Steeling herself, she pulled the first card.

The eight of clubs. The clothespins again. 

She set the card down for all to see, then returned her hand to behind her head. Sam confirmed the card, then rustled around in a nearby bag, until the two large wooden clamps were dug out. One at a time, he opened the mouth of each pin and placed them firmly around the meat of her nipples, making sure that they were sufficiently snug, before releasing them and allowing them to bite into her sensitive flesh. 

Caitlyn winced as each pin was affixed to her. While the pain was only an annoyance at the moment, that would change the second her body started to twist and gyrate during the spanking, and their weight would begin to pull at the skin. What was worse, in the event they shook free at any point during the night and the position allowed it, she was responsible for immediately putting the back on properly, lest she earn a true punishment at a later date. 

With both clothespins attached, Sam leaned back with a self satisfied smirk. He looked at her as though appraising her. 

“Very cute” he hummed, lightly tugging on each nipple, causing Caitlyn to clench her teeth. “You’re going to make sure these stay exactly where they’re meant to tonight, aren’t you sweetheart?”

“Yes…sir” she exhaled, trying to keep her cool. He was really intent on teasing her tonight. Despite the annoyance she felt, it was certainly working on her in other, more instinctual ways.

“Good girl” he replied, his fingers tracing the outside of her breast in a loving caress. He straightened himself on the couch, then patted his thigh with his right hand. “Then you know what time it is, don’t you?” he asked, though it was hardly a real question.

“Of course” she sighed with resignation, leaning forward. Sam gently took hold of one of her wrists, and guided her forward across his lap. She gasped in pain as the ends of the clothespins dragged across his legs and side of the couch, until she was settled over his knee in a very familiar position.

The final constant of Spanking by Suit was that she was always given a ten minute hand spanking as a warm up. Though to call it a warm up was putting it mildly. Sam always made sure to use a heavy hand to get her squirming before anything else touched her butt. It was agreed that a preliminary trip across his lap would ensure that no matter what the cards chose after, she would receive a sound spanking at minimum. 

As if to give form to her thoughts, a harsh stinging slap caught her on the top of her right thigh, and the spanking had started. Caitlyn dug her fingers into the carpet and tried to focus on her breathing as Sam worked himself into a comfortable rhythm drumming his hand across her ass. The force of his slaps caused her body to sway back and forth over his knee, causing gravity to pull at the pins on her nipples. Very quickly, a dull throb began to pulse from each one, while a fire was being kindled across her rear end.

Ten minutes did not seem like a terribly long measurement of time in a vacuum, but one’s perspective changes quite quickly when having their bottom slow roasted by hand. Sam swatted away at her ass at a very sustainable pace, affording her minimal rest between smacks. While he could spank quite hard by hand, a fact Caitlyn could attest to from the times he had taken her in hand in an impromptu fashion over a sassy attitude, he preferred to drag out the experience at a more controlled intensity, allowing each spank to build upon the last until the heat was unbearable. As the minutes rolled by, her waist started to squirm involuntarily under the discomfort, and she had to actively resist the urge to kick out with her legs. 

From her current position, she could just barely peek into the kitchen and see the time displayed on the microwave. Only halfway through, she thought to herself, wincing as Sam started to pick up the intensity slightly. She knew it was a mistake to attempt to count the minutes. A watched pot never boils, as they say, and neither did a timed spanking end. Still, she couldn't always help it, especially when the experience started to feel never ending. She bit down on the inside of her cheek and pulled uselessly at the carpet, closing her eyes as she mentally braced herself for another five minutes of punishment.

Finally, after what felt like millennia, Sam’s hand stopped spanking. The warm up was officially over. Careful not to further irritate the clothespins, Caitlyn pushed herself up and off of her boyfriend’s thighs. She had built up a light sweat during the spanking, and the air suddenly felt chilly without his body heat. She knelt next to him again, hands clasped in her hair, as Sam stretched in his seat. 

“You took that very well sweetheart, I’m impressed” he smiled at her. He knew just how to kill her with kindness. Though his words were probably genuine, it was impossible to think of it as a compliment with her bottom already throbbing from the warm up. So she fought the urge to roll her eyes and stayed silent.

He ran his hand across his chin thoughtfully as he took a short break. “I think it’s time to begin in earnest, don’t you think?” he asked, as if her input would matter in what came next.

“As good a time as any, sir” she mumbled in reply.

His hand left his face and lightly gripped hers underneath the chin, forcing her to look at him. It always made her knees weak to have to look at him while he studied her features. His other hand gently brushed her hair from her shoulders.

“I hope the cards are nicer to you tonight than they were last time” he reminisced as if it were a fond memory. 

“You and me both, sir” she grumbled. Last session was one of the most painful she had experienced since implementing the game. The cards seemed actively out to get her on that night, and she spent much of the following week with multiple sore spots reminding her of the ordeal. As much as she craved being spanked, she didn’t want a repeat experience within the same month.

“I can’t say that I didn’t feel a little bad for you” he spoke softly. “You know that I don’t like having to paddle you, especially for that long. But it wasn’t exactly up to me, was it?”

“No… sir” she grunted, unable to fully bite back her sass. Given how roughly he had treated her in bed the following nights, he very much seemed to enjoy doing that to her. Not that she was complaining much. Still, he was right in that he didn’t choose it. 

He smiled and released her, his hands returning to the cards as he reshuffled the deck. After a few riffles and cuts, he placed the stack back onto the table. 

“Well, let’s find out if fate will be any kinder to you tonight.” 

Caitlyn looked down at the cards again. This draw would determine what she would now be spanked with, and how long the spanking would last. Each number within the deck corresponded to an implement within their collection, in roughly ascending order of severity. The suit of the card would choose how long she would suffer it’s sting; hearts were three minutes, clubs were six, diamonds nine, and finally spades twelve. A follow up draw would choose the position based again on number.

Finally, at the end of the punishment, she would draw again, this time color determining whether or not the spanking was truly finished or not. A straight coin-toss; red signaled the end of the spanking portion of the session, black meant she received another implement chosen randomly. This would continue until she pulled the red card. While probability often dictated she rarely received more than two spankings, she could get unlucky, as she did last session, where three heavy implements in a row left her crying and begging for the torment to end by it's conclusion. 

Flushing the memories away, her hand reached out to the deck. She felt the nerves tingling within her, and the anticipation fueled the arousal within her like gasoline. She gripped the top card tight between her fingers and flipped it over.

The ten of hearts. Three minutes with the hairbrush. 

A swirl of emotions roiled within her. As far as time went, she was extraordinarily lucky. However, the hairbrush was one of the items that regularly could bring her to tears, and was Sam’s primary choice for punishment spankings. She decided to count her blessings. It was better than drawing the cane or rubber flogger, at least.

Sam looked down at the card, then reached over and grabbed the hairbrush sitting just on the edge of the coffee table. 

“A bit unlucky with the choice of implement, but at least it’s only for three minutes” he said, mirroring her thoughts. He nodded at the cards. “Now for the one determining position.”

Caitlyn swallowed, then pulled another card.

The ace of diamonds. The diaper position. 

She felt her heart sink. Not only was it a humiliating position, but it also pulled the muscles of her rear end tight, intensifying the pain. At least the clothespins wouldn’t be dangling free, she tried to reason, but it was a bad draw no matter how she sliced it. 

Sam sighed sympathetically at her misfortune, though the sadistic glint in his eye told her he was anything but upset at the result. 

“A shame, but that’s the nature of things, I suppose” he mused. Standing up, he gestured to the spot he just occupied. “You know what to do.”

“Yes sir.” Without fussing over it, she quickly rose to her feet and sat down on the cushion, gritting her teeth as the fabric roughly brushed against her inflamed skin. She then laid back, her hands holding the clothespins in place as she raised and spread her legs, leaving nothing to Sam’s imagination. She watched as he stepped to her side, brush in one hand, phone in the other. He set the stopwatch on his phone, then placed it back on the table within clear view. His left arm moved under the crook of her knees and pushed upward, further exposing her and angling her bottom for what was to come.

He looked down at her and made eye contact. “Three minutes, babe. Keep still, don’t kick at me, and it will be done before you know it.” 

His smile would be much more reassuring had she not been in such a vulnerable position, but she had no choice but to accept the fate she had drawn. With another glance at the phone, he nodded to himself, then brought the brush down with a resounding crack.

Caitlyn whimpered as the pain exploded across her bottom, her feet fluttering as Sam mercilessly smacked away at her ass. Nothing was held back as she watched the wooden implement arc through the air again and again, always followed by the sensation of a hot brand being pressed against her skin. He evidently was determined to make each moment of these three minutes count. Though he normally kept his expression neutral, she could see the satisfied smirk slowly creep across his face as her grunting quickly devolved into open whining.

Though she knew it was only for three minutes, the length of the spanking was no great comfort to her in the moment. Unable to watch anymore, she closed her eyes as her face twisted in pain. She could feel the impact of the brush pulsing through her body, and the right clothespin started to shake loose on her nipple. She groaned and readjusted its placement, a harder task than expected when being thoroughly spanked. 

Suddenly, almost as quickly as it started, the spanking was over. Sam released her legs and Caitlyn sat up gingerly. A deep searing pain pulsed through her butt, particularly bad at her sit spots, where her flesh was pulled most taut for discipline. Still, it was far shorter than the length of a true punishment spanking, and served as a grim reminder not to break the rules any time soon. 

She slunk down to her knees and shuffled back into place at the foot of the couch, while Sam sat down again in the same spot. He studied her quietly for a moment. 

“You did well, sweetheart. I’m quite proud of you” he finally said.

“Thank you, sir” she replied, sounding more dubious then she intended.

He crooked an eyebrow at her, but made no comment on her tone.

“Well then. A slightly unlucky combination of cards, but at least it was short. If you’re lucky, that might be all you get for the night. Let’s find out, shall we?” 

A few shuffles and a cut later, the cards were placed back in front of her.

Caitlyn bit her tongue. This was always the most intimidating draw. If she drew a red card, she was done, at least with the spanking portion of the session. A black card, and she had to go again. Not wanting nerves to get the best of her, she quickly flipped the top card.

The three of spades. 

Caitlyn closed her eyes and sighed deeply. There was no point in being upset about it, it was random chance that determined the outcome. Still, she began to think back to their last maintenance session, and dread began to take root in her heart of a repeat experience.

Sam picked up the card and placed it back into the deck, shuffling again. 

“I’m sorry, Caitlyn, but that’s how the game works. You win some, you lose some, isn’t that right?”

She shot him a dirty look, but knew better than to back talk. “I suppose.”

He returned her look with a smile, and she felt her thighs unconsciously start to rub together. Despite the blistering her bottom had just received, or perhaps because of it, her pussy was dripping wet, and his glib attitude towards her suffering paradoxically only made her more aroused. He glanced down at her squirming, and his smirk grew wider as he slapped the deck down again.

“Well, let’s see what it will be this time. Draw your cards.”

Caitlyn breathed deeply, then flipped over the top card.

The five of clubs. Six minutes with the belt. 

Sam made no comment as he reshuffled the deck, leaving Caitlyn to her thoughts. In theory, it was a better draw than her previous. She had a much easier time handling the belt than the brush, and it was still on the shorter end of things. But the belt tended to hurt disproportionately more the sorer her ass already was, and she was pretty sure her rear end was the color of a fire hydrant with how much it stung. Sam placed the deck on the table again, and she drew for position. 

Seven of diamonds. Bent over with her hands on her knees.

Not the worst position, preferable to the diaper position for certain. But it was not the most comfortable stance to hold, and Caitlyn was already starting to feel fatigued from the previous two butt beatings. Still, it was out of her hands. She stood along with Sam and walked to the center of the room. She leaned forward and bent at the waist, biting her tongue as the clothespins dangled from her body, pulling down at her breast. She heard Sam unbuckling his belt behind her, and a shiver ran through her body. 

The cool leather tapped her ass and a hand pressed down lightly on her back.

“Further down, sweetheart. Really stick it out” came Sam’s cheerful instruction from behind her. 

She voiced her displeasure with an exaggerated sigh, then adjusted herself and leaned farther forward, until she was almost bent 90 degrees at the waist. Her legs were already starting to burn, and she would have to hold this stance for six minutes. 

Sam’s hand suddenly dipped down, caressing her back and down to her bottom. His fingers trailed down along the crease of her cheeks. She couldn’t hold back the moan when his fingers finally slid between her folds, teasing the soft, wet skin before stopping just before touching her clit. She heard him chuckle behind her, and her face flushed with embarrassment at her reaction to such a slight touch. It wasn’t fair to be so worked up over such cruel treatment. 

“My, my, someone seems to be enjoying themselves…” as if on cue, Sam gave voice to his amusement. “Does the thought of being spanked with the belt turn you on that much?”

He walked around and knelt down in front of her, meeting her at eye level, holding the leather loop up as if to demonstrate.

“Am I allowed to say that it’s complicated?” Caitlyn pouted and answered in her driest tone ever. 

“Certainly” her boyfriend chuckled again. He stood up and walked back around her, getting into position. “I’m just hoping that you can keep that energy for the next six minutes.” 

The leather snapped behind her, and she involuntarily jumped. She heard him tap on his phone again, then set it down. With no further warning, the belt whistled through the air and sliced across her rear.

In comparison to the hairbrush spanking, Sam took his time administering strokes with the belt. The longer the time allotted, the more leisurely he tended to spank, and vice versa. It was his way of making sure things weren’t too overwhelming, or too easy. However, even at a slower pace, the leather was absolute torture on Caitlyn’s already punished ass. Each stroke left a searing line of fire in its wake as the belt arced back and forth. Caitlyn felt herself leaning forward more and more as the spanking progressed, and had to fight the screaming muscles of her legs to not stumble or fall out of position.

Normally a very composed woman, Caitlyn felt embarrassed at how the belting was starting to cut away at her resolve. A belting like this would usually only draw out some pained grunts and sighs. But after having her ass flattened with the brush, there was only so much resistance she could give. Every crack of the leather was followed by her increasing desperate gasps and whines. Certainly Sam thought her pitiable, coming apart like this to the belt of all things. She didn’t know how much longer she had to go, and every time she anticipated the last swat, another followed. She felt pressure around her eyes, and wondered if she would really be brought to tears. 

Thankfully, the end came before that. A final crack landed squarely across her upper thighs, and then the belt fell coiled to the floor. Grimacing, Caitlyn stood up fully and risked an exploratory rub. She technically was not allowed to touch until the game was over, but her desire to inspect the damage proved too strong. She hissed as her fingers glided across the raised, stinging skin. Likely a welt, she surmised. She quickly pulled her hand away as she turned back towards Sam, who was sitting back down on the sofa. If he noticed her rule bending, he made no comment of it. Instead he sat and began to mix the cards again.

Caitlyn knelt back down at the edge of the couch, hoping that the belting would be the end of things tonight. She felt like a well spanked girl, and the thought of another implement falling across her ass, especially for up to twelve minutes, genuinely worried her. The deck was slid in front of her again, and she closed her eyes in silent prayer. Please be a red card, she mentally called out to whatever force might be listening. She flipped the top card.

Queen of hearts. The spanking was finished.

“Well, that’s that” Sam clapped his hands together. He looked at her with a questioning glance. "Would you say that’s enough for you tonight? We can always add another round anyways."

“No sir, I’ll have to pass on that one” she answered flatly.

“Then I guess we’re almost done” he smirked at her dry response.

She breathed a deep sigh of relief, but did not get up from her spot. There was still one final card to be pulled before she was truly free. One final chance for pain… or pleasure.

After the spanking concluded, Caitlyn would draw again, the result of which determined her “aftercare.” A red card meant that she would receive a reward of some kind. Depending on what number it landed on, she could earn edges, set time with the vibrator, sex, even potential passes on household chores the following week. A black card, however, meant that she would get an additional punishment. Corner time, mouth soaping, various forms of anal insertion, ruined orgasms, and a bedtime spanking were among the possible outcomes.

She bit her bottom lip as she watched Sam shuffle one last time. The ache within her rivaled the screaming pain of her ass. She needed nothing more than to cum right now. And if she did not draw a reward, her chances would be dashed. She was never allowed to play with herself nor ask for sex on the night of maintenance, to up the stakes of this very draw. 

The deck was placed on the table. Caitlyn drew the final card.

The four of spades. Five minutes sitting on the acupressure map.

Sam smiled sadly, and Caitlyn felt the disappointment wash over her like a wave. 

“Sorry, babe. I was really hoping that you would draw something fun. I can see how worked up you are, and playing with you tonight got me going as well. Maybe tomorrow.”

Sam placed the deck back into the box and stood up. He reached within one of the larger bags and pulled out the foam mat, flush with sharp plastic spikes. He disappeared behind the separating wall to the kitchen, and returned dragging the tall stool kept as decoration against the corner. At least, that’s what the unassuming guest would think. In truth, it was colloquially known between them as the Punishment Stool. Whenever Caitlyn had to sit on the mat or an inserted object, or had to do long stints of corner time or writing lines, the Punishment Stool was where it happened. It was just tall enough to get onto comfortably, but sitting fully against the seat lifted her legs off of the ground, allowing only her toes to touch. 

Caitlyn sighed in defeat, then stood up and walked over to Sam, who placed the spiky mat onto the seat of the stool. With a little bit of assistance, she steadied the wooden seat below her, then eased herself onto the plastic spines, hissing in pain as they poked and prodded the inflamed skin. Sam picked up his phone and set a five minute timer, flashing the screen towards her.

“No moving or squirming. You’re only allowed to get up once this goes off. Do you understand?” 

“Yes, sir” she exhaled, grimacing as the points dug into her flesh. 

Sam started the timer and began to clean up, returning the bags of implements to the spot under the bed where they were normally hidden. Not that it interested Caitlyn much. Her discomfort was only matched by the disappointment and neediness that still filled her. She had desperately needed some relief, instead of having to sit on the stool like a naughty miscreant. Still, she had to remind herself, this was but a drop in the bucket compared to an actual punishment. Despite the pain and embarrassment, she had largely enjoyed her night, even if it ended without the release she craved. An actual punishment would leave her unable to sit comfortably for a few days, along with the restrictions that came with being disciplined. She was happy that she could indulge in her masochism without disobeying her partner.

Her masochism did know limits, however, and the acupressure mat was beginning to expose them. With only her toes touching the floor, Caitlyn had to place her full weight onto the stool, and those long, thin, plastic barbs seemed to poke right into her most sensitive, punished areas. Worse still, and slight movement in hope of relieving pressure put more weight on less of her butt, sharply increasing the pain. She had no doubt that by the time she stood up, her whole butt would be pockmarked and welted. 

Still, she sat dutifully in silent agony, until the alarm went off and freed her from her torment. She grabbed the mat and slid from the stool, not wanted to hop and risk stumbling. A final jab to the rear signaled the end of their game. As was customary, she shuffled over to Sam, who had sat back down and started to read after picking up. She leaned down and hugged him.

“Thank you for spanking me” she mumbled into his ear.

He smiled, and returned her embrace. “You’re welcome, sweetheart. Sorry it couldn’t have ended better for you, but we can have some fun tomorrow. As for tonight, we can still watch some TV if you want.”

She nodded and pulled away. 

“Sure, just let me clean up and inspect the damage” she chuckled in self deprecation.

She began to turn away, but Sam reached out and stopped her.

“Aren’t you forgetting something, babe?”

Caitlyn frowned, watching and reacting too late as Sam’s hands glided over her chest and harshly ripped away the clothespins.

“OW! Fuck, that hurt” she yelled, rubbing away at her stinging nipples.

“Sorry” he smirked, clearly feeling anything but. “I just thought that if you forgot about them, then clearly they wouldn’t hurt too much being removed.”

Caitlyn looked down at her boyfriend, considering whether throwing hands was worth a punishment spanking. However, wisely deciding against it, she instead flipped her middle finger at him and walked back down the hall towards the restroom. 

She reckoned that her ass must look terrible, and she had worked up a heavy sweat through the night. Her breasts were sore from being clamped for the better part of an hour, and her pussy ached with the endless desire to be touched, a privilege it would have to wait to earn. But still, every step down the hall filled her with more and more contentment, and she had the feeling that the weekend would be a good one. It was bizarre, how such a rough night could improve her mood, but it was just the way she was wired. She opened the bathroom door, threw herself a silent pity party over the state of her bottom, and gave thanks that her boyfriend created Spanking by Suit.

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