
Eyes of Dominance

Chris. 32 year old nerdy dom that sometimes writes stories about naughty brats learning their lesson. Taylor Swift aficionado. Looking for my naughty girl. Kik: LonghairedDom. NJ.

A Friend In Need: Part 2

Part 2 of the series. The first installment can be found here.

“Ow! That hurts” Lexi whined, her face buried in the comforter of her bed. The leather cracked against her enflamed ass again, and she groaned curses into the mattress.

She heard Caleb snap the belt behind her. “Oh, my apologies! I had no idea…” his snark laden voice teased her ear, and she stamped her foot against the carpet in protest, careful not to accidentally knee the bed she was bent over.

“Fuck you…” she grumbled into the blanket, then gasped as an explosion of searing pain cut across her upper thighs again.

“Only if you ask nicely” he replied, cracking the leather down across her butt three times in quick succession.

Lexi drummed her feet against the floor, but with her hands tied to the bed frame, she wasn’t going anywhere without his approval, so she had no choice but to lay there and take each stroke of the belt as given. She felt as is she had been tied up for hours, and yet Caleb showed no signs of stopping. She imagined her ass being a patchwork of black and blue splotches over a red canvass given how much it stung. However, the more concerning matter was the heat and wetness between her legs that she was desperate to hide from her punisher. She clamped her thighs closed as she felt the throbbing need pulsing at her center grow more insistent. But her actions did not go unnoticed.

“Oh, what’s this?” she heard him question. “Trying to hide something from me, are we?” There was a pause, and a shifting weight on the bed. Suddenly the leather belt was snaking around her throat, tied loosely into a makeshift collar. She gasped as it slightly tightened, and the man on the bed slid back off towards her rear end, pulling back just enough on the end of the belt.

“What… are you doing?” she panted, squirming as she felt his hands sliding across her thighs, tracing the bruised skin as they traveled. She heard him chuckle, and then without warning his hands were prying her legs apart, revealing her dripping pussy to his eyes. She tried to whine a compliant, but her voice caught in her throat as his tongue brushed lightly over her aching folds. An embarrassingly loud moan filled the room as he tended to her overstimulated clit with his mouth. His hot breath tickled her inner thighs as he took his time pleasuring her. She groaned and pulled at her restraints, but she was well secured. 

“Please, don’t act like this isn’t exactly what you want” he said with mock admonishment, his fingers spreading her open for all the world to see. She heard the shifting of clothes behind her, and a zipper being undone. She nearly yelped when his erection suddenly rubbed against her skin, teasing her with what was to come. The tension on the belt around her neck increased, and she began to feel lightheaded from the pressure.

“You can put on that good girl act for everyone else in the world, but not me. I know what you want; what you really, truly need. Spanking is just the tip of the iceberg for a naughty brat like you. You need to be taken in hand and dominated, completely. Nothing else will do for you, will it?” His voice was low and husky as he spoke to her. 

Her voice strained to reply as she gasped for breath. “Yes… sir…” she managed, her mind in a thick haze of need.

“Good girl” he hummed behind her. She felt the tip of his dick press against her entrance. The belt was pulled even tighter.

“Beg for it” he commanded, one hand on her hip, the other tugging back mercilessly on her makeshift collar. To dazed by desire to fight it, she obliged.

“Please… fuck me” she obliged, her voice strained to a squeak. Suddenly, he slammed into her, and the world went white. 

A loud, familiar tone shook her from her dream. Bleary eyed, she slowly sat up and glanced around the room. She was laying on her living room couch, curled up amongst the pillows and stray clothes piled at the end. The show she had sat down to watch was still playing, well past the episode she had started with. A quick check of the window told her it was not yet nighttime, though the sun had started its descent. Finally, her attention was drawn to the offending device that woke her from her nap. A text was briefly visible across the screen before it fell dark.

As Lexi’s groggy mind started to whirl back to life, recognition dawned on her. She had sat down after work to attempt to relax and kill some time before her session with Caleb tonight. She must’ve dozed off at some point, and for quite a while given how many episodes of her show had played without her knowledge. Which meant that the text…

Her thoughts flashed back to the vivid dream she was just lost in, and she sighed as she picked up the phone and typed the passcode. Two unread messages flashed across the screen. The first was sent at 5:30.

Caleb: Everything still okay for tonight? I just got out the shower, so whenever you’re ready I can head over.

The second message had just arrived, a half hour later.

Caleb: Just let me know when you’re good.

Lexi groaned and started typing a reply.

Lexi: Sorry, I fell asleep after work and deadass only woke up because of your text. Fucking exhausted… but you’re good to leave whenever.

She hit send and leaned back against the cushions. They were supposed to meet up at six, so her nap didn’t cost her too much time, and yet she felt a tad guilty that he was waiting on her for such a trivial reason. A reply message quickly arrived.

Caleb: Okay. You sure you’re good? We can reschedule if you’re really tired. 

Lexi: Yup. Am definitely tired, but I have plans the rest of the weekend soooooooo…. I’ll have to live with it.

Caleb: Gotcha. Heading over now then.

She sent a thumbs up emoji, then pushed herself to her feet. She gathered the messy mountain of clothes that she was just entangled with and trudged over to the washer. Might as well be productive while I wait, she reasoned. 

Two weeks had passed since her first session with Caleb. Two weeks since she had been spanked by her former partner as a means of stress relief. Looking back on it, the whole situation felt like such a blur to her. In the span of twenty four hours she had gone from only sporadically talking to her friend to being upended over his knee for a spanking. It was quite the sudden change in their friendship, and part of her still felt a bit awkward about it. They had only spoken briefly in the aftermath, enough to set up a biweekly schedule for their meetups. Caleb had tried a few times to initiate conversation since, but Lexi found it hard to reply with anything but short responses.

It wasn’t because she was upset with him by any means. Nor was it because the session had been ineffective, far from it. While her life was still busy and a tad chaotic, Lexi felt much better after her meeting with Caleb. The release of emotions had benefited her greatly, and she was actually looking forward to tonight’s session. Perhaps a little too much, and in a way she didn’t anticipate. 

She recalled that after her previous session was over, Caleb offered to allow her to ‘relieve’ herself under his supervision after dinner. She had ended up declining, feeling too self conscious to do so after the endorphins of the session wore off. However, the second he had left her apartment, she had raced to her bedroom and quickly set to work with her vibrator. The subsequent orgasm was one of the strongest she had in years. She had fell asleep feeling content in their new arrangement.

However, that night had now refused to leave her thoughts, hounding her both day and night. Whenever she had quiet moment at work or home, or was lost in absent thought, memories bubbled up to the surface and quickly took center stage in her mind. Then came the dreams. Naughty, sensuous, repeating dreams, where Caleb roughly dominated her, spanking and whipping her raw, before bending her over and fucked her brutally.

Lexi blushed as she threw the clothes into the machine. She was still slightly aroused by the dream she just awoke from, and it was especially dangerous to return to that frame of mind now, given Caleb’s soon arrival. She had lost count of how many times her dreams had taken such an explicit turn in the past two weeks, but it was starting to become an issue. She had always found being spanked arousing, but never to the degree that it so completely consumed her thoughts as it had recently. She guessed that it had been so long since she had been in this sort of relationship, the submissive part of her mind was in complete overdrive.

However, that proved problematic for many reasons. Mainly, that Caleb had offered his services first and foremost for stress relief. Lexi mused that getting off was certainly its own form of relief, but she wasn’t sure Caleb would feel the same way. Even if he did, she had explicitly told him not to expect sex or anything other than what they had agreed to. Her explicit fantasies of him felt like a violation of that sentiment. Why then was she the one fantasizing about her friend and former partner taking her like that way?

She knew that Caleb still had feelings for her. And that made the situation all the more confusing. Because while she undoubtedly felt some sort of attraction, as her wayward thoughts proved, she wasn’t sure to what extent they went to yet. While she was actively attempting to date, getting involved with Caleb felt more serious than replying to the odd guy or two on a dating app. There was chemistry and history there, and while that might have been a relief for some, it was also a danger in other ways. She did not know if a relationship with him is what she truly wanted, or if it was just her projecting her latent fantasies on to him. And the last thing she wanted to do was hurt him or lose their friendship again. So for the time being, she would have to bury those thoughts and emotions as best she could.

Which would be easier said than done, Lexi realized, as her absentminded musings had done little to quell the pit of desire still burning within her. She looked to the bedroom, then her clock. She considered indulging in some “self care” before Caleb’s arrival, but the timing would be too close, and having to face him afterwards would be harrowing at best. So she sighed and tried unsuccessfully to push the thoughts away. How could she, given that she would be in the same position she had fantasized about for two weeks in under an hour? Still, it was just a spanking, she told herself. As long as she could suppress her desires for anything else for just a little while, she would have another two weeks to sort out her feelings.

She had just restarted her show from the start when the knock on her door arrived. Lexi took a deep breath and took measured steps over to the entrance. She greeted him at the door as she normally did, with a noncommittal “hey.” Caleb looked at he usually did; hair tied back into a bun, thin jacket over his shoulders, and a bottle of wine tucked under his arm. 

“Y’know, you keep bringing wine even though you barely like the stuff” Lexi quipped as she led him into her apartment. She looked at his jacket as he removed it and hung it up near the door, her eyes trying to find any hint of what he might have brought to blister her rear. While there was definitely something in the interior pocket, she couldn’t make out exactly what it was.

“Well, one of these days I’m hoping to find something I enjoy” he smirked. “Might cost me a fortune in the meantime, but I’m determined.”

Nervousness assailed Lexi as Caleb set down the bottle and made himself comfortable. She was not on edge like she was during two weeks ago, not knowing what to expect. It was the fact that she knew what was about to happen, and her felt so eager, that worried her.

In comparison to their last meeting, Caleb did not seem so eager to turn her over his knee immediately. They had opened the wine and sat on her couch discussing their weeks and shooting the shit for well over an hour. Lexi was grateful for the opportunity to mentally prepare herself at first, but the longer and longer they talked, the more wine she drank, and her growing comfortability was prone to being as much a blessing as it was a curse. 

“I’m telling you, the album is good, but not in comparison to her newer stuff. You're just stuck in the past” Lexi stated matter of factly, swirling the last of her wine in the glass.

“It is still among her best work to this day, and you know it” Caleb retorted.

“Is not.”

“It is so.” 


Caleb rubbed the bridge of his nose in a show of faux frustration. “Y’know at this rate, we should probably get started before I feel like spanking you for real, brat.”

Lexi sighed heavily and rolled her eyes, trying to hide the spike of adrenaline at his statement.

“Well, if you say so…” she lamented.

He gave her a bewildered look. “…That’s it? No sassy comeback or attempt to talk your way out? I didn’t think we were that drunk.”

Lexi sighed glumly. “Well, you’re in charge for these sessions. Wouldn’t be upholding my end of the agreement if I fought you on it.”

“You seem more accepting of that now than last time” he mused. 

“I mean, do I look particularly happy about it?” she challenged back. “I just know it’s pointless to try to delay it.”

Caleb watched her carefully. “Well if you really don’t want to, we can postpone it to next week, or stop altogether.”

She felt herself smile. “As if you’d make it that easy. It’s not like I didn’t agree to this, I suppose.” Then she poorly mimicked his tone of voice and cadence. “And I know I need it, or whatever.”

“Is that so?” he replied, his eyes dancing with a dangerous glint. The fuzzy sensation in Lexi’s gut started to churn under his stare. “I wasn’t aware that I spanked some wisdom into you too. We should’ve started this years ago.”

She scoffed. “If only…”

He smiled at her, gathering himself in an instant. “Alright then.”

He stood and made his way to the chair pushed against the far wall, dragging it into the center of the room. He sat down and stretched his shoulders before facing her again. “Come here” he commanded. 

She rose to her feet, quickly closing the distance between them. She was starting to feel the traces of arousal building with her, and wanted desperately to begin before the effects were noticeable. However, Caleb made her place her hands on her head as he slowly removed her shorts. Her panties came down next, and Lexi whimpered as the fabric was pulled away, leaving her pussy exposed to his gaze and the cool air. Quickly stepping out of the crumpled clothes, she stood staring straight ahead as she waited for his order to bend over. Yet he was silent for a few moments, and Lexi started to get concerned. Had he noticed? Was he staring at her? She fought the urge to look down, concentrating all her energy into locking eyes with the beige wall opposite her. Finally, she heard him speak.

“Before you get into position, I’d like you to go into my jacket’s pocket and bring me the implement inside. That way, you don't have to get out of position during the spanking.”

Lexi sighed, but quickly padded over to the coat rack and reached into the interior pocket. She grabbed the implements by the handle and pulled it free. It was a clear, lexan paddle. One that she had been spanked with many times before. Inwardly, she cringed. It was not the worst tool in Caleb’s arsenal; he had many other more painful choices available. At the same time, it wasn’t exactly the most pleasant thing to be on the receiving end of either. The object in her hand had been used to reduce her to a very sorry girl on more than a few occasions. The memories of her previous punishments began to swirl to the forefront of her mind, and she walked back towards Caleb with far more hesitant steps, concerns about her modesty temporarily forgotten.

Before she was in arms reach, she hesitated. “But like, do you really have to use this, though?” she complained. “Can’t you just use your hand, or maybe like, your belt if you really need to?”

Caleb looked at her with naked amusement, clearly enjoying her apprehension. “I can and will choose whatever tool I desire for the task at hand. And I have chosen that paddle for tonight. Though now that you mention it, I could use my belt in addition to the paddle, if you don’t hand it over right now. Unless you actually want to be punished as well…”

Lexi bit her lip, but stepped forward, handing him the paddle. He placed it behind him, snug between his back and the chair. He then patted his right thigh. “Bend over” he said simply.

Lexi took a deep breath, then leaned forward. Caleb helped her steady herself as she got in position over his lap. Settling in over his thighs, she waited expectantly for the sting of his hand. But as he did last time, he began by kneading and massaging her cheeks, likely in an effort to calm her nerves. The effect it had was anything but calming. Lexi suppressed a moan as her mind flitted back to her afternoon nap, and the explicit dream she had experienced. She found herself wishing that his hand would dip a little lower, towards the wet, needy slit between her…

No, she shouldn’t be thinking about that. This was already a complicated situation, but she couldn’t afford to make it any weirder. She was the one that set that boundary. It wouldn’t reflect well on her to break it on their second session. She needed more time to figure out what to do with this desire. Still, as his hand continued rubbing up and down her bottom, her resolve was already starting to crumble. It felt so good already, maybe just for tonight they could…

The searing smack came without warning. Lost in her perverse thoughts, Lexi had not mentally prepared herself for the beginning of the spanking, and a loud hiss slipped through her gritted teeth as Caleb started out of the gate with a flurry of hard swats. He certainly didn’t want her figuring out a pattern to his technique, she thought, as the room was filled with a furious clapping sound. For almost a minute, he ruthlessly spanked away without rest, quickly painting the surface of her rear with a noticeable sting. 

From there, he moved on to a much more manageable pace; even, spaced out swats of average intensity. But his opening salvo had served its purpose well, as even these smacks felt quite painful after the roasting she had just received. Lexi tried to zone out and take the spanking in stride, but her thoughts quickly returned to that damn dream. She hardly could remember, how did she end up tied to her bed? Had they started with a hand spanking like this first? Had Dream Caleb decided on tying her up himself, or did she ask for such treatment? Would he have been shocked at her request, or would he have laughed and made her ask again, demeaning herself for his pleasure?

Deep, breathy sighs started to slip from her lips as Lexi fought the thoughts sloshing around in her mind, all the while Caleb continued to spank away. He seemed in no hurry to give her a break this time around, and the minutes seemed to roll by as the pain continued to build. His hand worked its way up and down the canvas of her backside, going as far down as her sensitive upper thighs, which she always hated. 

After five minutes of nonstop punishment, Caleb finally paused for a rest. Lexi should have been thankful for the pause. She was being reminded that for her, a prolonged spanking was more difficult to endure than a short, furious one. She had worked up quite the sweat despite having done nothing but lay in place. A breather was more than welcome.

And yet, mere moments after the spanks had ceased, Caleb’s hand began rubbing her bottom gently, and Lexi’s thoughts immediately turned back to more carnal desires. His fingers traced around the most tender regions of skin, dipping up and around the creases of skin at her sitspots and along her crack. Was he doing this to her on purpose? It certainly felt like it. She bit down on her tongue and tried not to move as his hand continued exploring her ass. She knew that if his hand would dip but a few inches, he would discover the telltale physical evidence of her arousal. Her thighs were slightly parted, and though she didn’t think he could see anything, it would take but the slightest movement to expose everything to him. Even worse than that realization was the thought that she wanted to do that very thing, if it meant that he would touch her.

After two minutes of rubbing, the second round of spanking mercifully started again, and Lexi mind went white as the fire was reignited. Each smack built on the foundation of the last, and her feet started to unconsciously drum against the floor beneath her. She kept her arms firmly locked in front of her, knowing that any attempt to block would result in her hand being pinned behind her back. But it was getting difficult to remain still. Was he spanking harder than their first session, or was she just more sensitive to his efforts right now? Either way, her hips started to dance and slide around on his lap. Once or twice, her weight pushed up against something hard within his pants, and Lexi noted with some satisfaction that she wasn’t the only one affected by their position.

In spite of his excitement, or maybe because of it, Caleb continued to rain down smacks on her ass. How he had the stamina to spank her this hard for this long, she would never know. His hand worked all across her bottom for another five minutes. By the time he was done, both of them were breathing deeply with exertion. 

His hand returned to caressing her rear end, and this time Lexi couldn’t contain the small moan of pleasure as his fingertips ghosted across the very top of her thighs. She clamped her legs shut in response, hoping that he didn’t just hear her. There was silence for a few moments. Finally, he spoke.

“How are you holding up?” Caleb asked after taking a heavy breath.

Lexi sighed. “Well, it hurts” she complained. 

“I’m sorry to hear that…” she could practically hear his smirk. “I’m afraid there’s gonna be quite a bit more of that in a few minutes. I think it’s about time to switch to the paddle.”

She let out a disapproving groan, and Caleb chuckled. 

“I know, I know. But we could both use a short break first.”

Then his left hand started to trail up the small of her back while the other continued to gently massage her ass. It was only then that she realized just how far up her torso her shirt had slipped. It had rode up almost halfway up her back, the fabric in the front was bunched just beneath her breasts. She must’ve been wriggling far more than she thought during the last round of spanks. Yet only now did it dawn on her that she wasn’t wearing a bra. It was never a concern before, but she was so focused on how exposed her lower half was that she never considered just how on display she really was. That fact, combined with the way he was rubbing her, so reassuring and yet suggestive, with her red, stinging bottom thrust up over his lap so openly… it made her feel…

“You okay?” Caleb asked, his slight chuckle betraying a hint of concern. It took her a second to process that he was expecting an answer. 

“Mmm… yeah. I’m fine” she quickly replied.

“Okay” he said with a short laugh. “You were just really tense. I didn’t know if something was wrong, or if you wanted me to stop… relieving tension” he patted her butt with his hand, making her wince.

“Not if it means you’re just gonna hit me with that god forsaken paddle” she huffed.

“Well, that’s going to happen regardless” she could hear his smile. “I was just making sure you weren’t stiff for any other reason.”

“Buddy, based on what I can feel, you can’t say anything about being stiff” Lexi smiled to herself, gently pressing her weight down into his lap, as if to confirm her statement.

A hard smack caught her on the upper thigh, and she whined loudly. 

“Ow! What was that for?” she questioned indignantly.

“You know damn well what that was for. And don’t forget where you are, young lady” Caleb growled, his voice surprisingly low and commanding. It was such a contrast to his normal voice, and Lexi felt her hairs stand on end. “I am in charge right now; you will address me properly. Do you understand?”

The brat in her wanted to sass him so badly. And yet, she knew that accursed paddle was in arms reach.

“Yes, sir” she grumbled.

“Good” he said, his tone lightening. “I can’t exactly deny your accusation, though with the noises you’ve been making… glass houses, throwing stones, all that.”

“Maybe” she admitted cheekily. This was starting to spiral fast. She wasn’t supposed to be openly flirting with him like this. She had decided to figure out her feelings first, right? But then both of his hands returned to her butt, gently kneading, massaging, prying open ever so slightly. Lexi could hardly think straight, and her breathy sighs were no longer able to be stifled. This wasn’t fair, she raged inside. He had to know what he was doing to her. This was torture by any other word. Yet it didn’t matter if he knew or not. She was rapidly coming undone by his touch. She wanted, needed him to touch her further.

But he wouldn’t. Not without her explicit permission. She knew from experience that Caleb would only go as far as she made clear she was comfortable with. Even feeling the hardened flesh poking directly into her gut, she was sure that this would be all he would do as long as she didn’t ask for more. And that was embarrassing, not to mention dangerous for their friendship. But she needed it.

Suddenly, Caleb’s hands started to retreat. “Alright, that’s enough of a break” he said, his voice somewhat strained and stilted. Immediately, Lexi missed his touch, and she spoke before thinking.

“Wait… please” she whined.

Caleb paused. “Please what?” he asked with a slight laugh. “I hope you don’t think you’re gonna talk yourself out of getting paddled.”

“No, not that… just a bit longer” she mumbled into the carpet, almost hoping he didn’t hear her. She imagined just how beet red her face probably was. 

She heard him hum pensively. “Just a bit longer… of what? This?” And his hand g returned to her ass, grasping it almost possessively. 

Lexi openly moaned as pleasure and pain mixed together deliciously at his touch. “Yes sir, just a little longer.”

Caleb’s firm grip on her ass relaxed somewhat, and his fingers began to trail patterns across her skin again. “Well, since you asked so nicely” he said. “Though I am a bit confused as to why. I thought you’d want to get this over with as soon as possible.”

“It’s feels… good” she panted, too horny to be shamed by her admission. Her legs were already starting to part of their own accord, and Lexi didn’t have the will to stop it anymore.

“I see” he answered in his infuriatingly neutral tone. “Does it feel good in a soothing sort of way, or perhaps another?”

“Can’t it be both?” she replied. 

“I suppose” he said. “I’m just curious as to what you want right now. I don’t want to act without knowing how you’re feeling.”

Lexi squirmed over Caleb’s lap, desperate. “I want you to touch me” she breathed.

“Oh, but I already am. You have to be more specific if you want something else.”

“Please…” she whined, but he held firm. She briefly wondered how long she could hold out against this torture, but his fingers accidentally brushed against her inner thigh, and she couldn’t take it any longer.

“My pussy, sir. Please.”

She heard him smirk, something that might have annoyed her at any other time, but now only turned her on more. His fingers obliged, dipping between her legs, and she let out a deep groan as they slid down across her aching pussy. Caleb ran his fingers slowly back and forth along her slit, pausing to circle her clit for just a moment, before trailing back up along her folds. She spread her legs further to allow his deft fingers to explore more intimately, biting her tongue as each touch pulsed with electricity.

Still, her need was far beyond petting. “In me…” she managed to say between sultry moans.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t quite catch that” Caleb replied. She couldn’t tell if he was genuine, or just wanted to debase her further. 

“Please put them in” she exhaled in one breath.

Caleb didn’t reply, but Lexi gasped as suddenly his fingers pushed into her, spreading and stretching her as he rubbed her inner walls. His touch was more fervent now, thrusting into her with increased intensity, his thumb roughly circling her clit. His left hand trailed along the right side of her body, up to the swell of her breast and back down to her hip. 

Lexi could feel the orgasm approaching. Her body twisted and bucked as his hands pleasured her. As she writhed across Caleb’s lap, her stomach pushed up against his engorged dick straining against his pants. She heard a low groan catch in his throat as her body ground against it, and the sound sent her need into overdrive. Before she could contemplate her actions, she blurted it out.

“Please fuck me…” she whispered, gasping as the pleasure roiled through her. Caleb stopped immediately, and Lexi cursed as the building orgasm teased her briefly before sliding away slowly. She turned to look at him, confused by his pausing, but her eyes rolled back into her head as his fingers resumed their efforts.

“Are you sure that’s what you want?” he asked, his voice betraying a bit of hesitance under the layers of lust.

“Yes sir” she exhaled, unable to imagine needing anything more at the moment.

Suddenly Lexi was on her feet, lifted up by Caleb in one smooth motion. Grabbing her by the waist, he led her towards the nearby couch, and roughly pushed her over the arm. She collapsed across it awkwardly, folded over the piece of furniture. She tried to readjust herself, but then Caleb’s weight was on her back, pressing her down into the cushion. She felt her shirt being peeled up her back and across her shoulders, over her head, finally coming to a rest around her arms. Then slight pain as his teeth sunk the flesh of her exposed left shoulder.

She whimpered as he bit down and gently sucked at the skin, just light enough not to break the skin, but enough to hurt. Then his mouth was trailing kisses down her spine as he slowly righted himself over her. She heard him fumbling with his belt, and the sound of clothes hitting the floor soon followed. She turned to get a glance at what was happening behind her, but a hand pushed down again on the small of her back, limiting her mobility. That didn’t stop her from feeling what was pressed against her ass. His free hand grabbed at her hips and pulled her closer to him. 

“I need you to ask for it again” Caleb suddenly spoke. She could clearly hear the need in his own voice for the first time tonight. “If this is what you want, then beg for it.”

His cock had become wedged between her cheeks, and she could hear his breath hitch as he gently pushed it against her. His skin against her punished ass hurt in the most delicious way, and she couldn’t contain her own desire.

“Please fuck me, sir. I need it…” she pleaded breathlessly. 

The room was silent. Lexi could her the blood pounding in her ears as she laid there rife with anticipation. She felt Caleb adjust himself behind her, press himself against her entrance. Then, pleasure overwhelmed her as he pushed into her, burying his full length in her body. 

“Oh god” she gasped as he pulled back and slammed into her again. Long, harsh thrusts, driving deep within her. Caleb was apparently content to take his time, but that didn’t mean he was going to be gentle. As if to prove that point, his hands dug into the muscles of her back, grasping her possessively. His weight on her back pushed her further into the cushions, pining her in place. Lexi couldn't see; her shirt was draped around her upper arms and around her head not unlike a blindfold. But she could still hear the sounds of him fucking her loud and clear, and it drove her even more wild with pleasure.

Lexi’s limit was fast approaching again. It must’ve been obvious from the moans and gasps she exhaled into the couch, because Caleb’s weight shifted to one hand as the other reached back and slapped her sore ass hard.

“Don’t you dare cum without permission” he growled, sounding more serious than ever. His voice was husky, brimming with desire. 

“I’m so close” she whined, her hands grasping at the pillow in front of her. 

“Then you better start asking quickly” he sighed pointedly. “I don’t know how much longer I can control myself.” As if to punctuate his statement, the speed of his thrusting quickened without losing any of its roughness.

Lexi gritted her teeth, clawing at the throw pillow just in arms reach as pain and pleasure blossomed in equal measure inside of her. Caleb’s hips were rubbing her well spanked bottom raw, and he showed no signs of granting her mercy as he held her in place and fucked her. In that moment, she felt truly owned by him, completely under his control. Nothing turned her on more.

“Please sir, can I cum?” she desperately asked. She could feel the building tension deep within her. In a few moments, she was going to cum, without or without permission. She only hoped that her punishment wouldn’t be severe should she be denied.

Caleb must’ve sensed the situation at hand, because he leaned down over her and spoke in a strained voice.

“Good girl. You have permission.”

Time seemed to both stop and pass in an instant. The building tension boiled over, and Lexi’s muscles spawned as the electric ecstasy pulsed through her in waves. She bit into the couch cushion as her wanton moans filled her ears. She was dimly aware of Caleb’s voice; short, charged grunts as he shuddered behind her. His thrusts became sharp and erratic as his own orgasm came. After a few moments, his movements stilled behind her, and she realized her moaning had ceased. She laid across the couch covered in her own sweat, shirt still twisted around her arms and head, while Caleb pulled himself from her. He circled around and sat in front of her, gently pulling her shirt fully over her head, and she crawled over the arm of the couch and placed her head on his leg.

A calm silence fell over the room. It was not that late, but the combination of drunkenness, exertion, and endorphins left Lexi feeling immeasurably tired. She glanced up at Caleb, who looked down at her with an unreadable expression. She propped herself up with an elbow.

“You alright?” she asked hesitantly.

Caleb gave her a small smile. “Yeah, I’m fine.”

She must’ve gave him a disapproving look, because he chuckled. “Okay, I’m more than fine” he said. “I don’t want to kill the mood. Just wondering what this means for us.”

She frowned. “Does it really have to mean anything?”

“Not if you don’t want it to” he responded seriously. “I’m just somewhat confused, given that you said not to expect this kind of relationship.”

She stretched deeply, uncaring of her total nudity. “I said not to expect it, not that it wasn’t on the table” she explained slyly, trying to rationalize it to herself as much as him. “I admit that it wasn’t my intention with all of this, but I can’t say that it wasn’t effective stress relief.”

He smirked down at her. “That’s true, I suppose. Are you saying that you’d prefer this to a spanking? Because I’d protest not giving them to you entirely.”

She rolled her eyes. “Hey, all I’m saying is that it doesn’t ALWAYS have to be a spanking. Maybe we can mix it up a bit, keep things exciting.”

“I guess I’m fine with that” he replied, stroking a lock of dangling hair behind her ear. He smiled. “You look exhausted.”

Lexi grinned weakly at him. “Dude, I am basically dead. I don’t know how I’m getting through tomorrow. Asshole.” She thrust an accusatory finger in his direction.

Caleb smirked and pushed her finger aside. “Yeah, yeah, blame me” he said sarcastically. “I’m kinda feeling it myself, to be honest.”

Lexi sighed as if disappointed. “Well, I guess you’re welcome to spend the night, if you want. Don’t need you crashing your car or getting pulled over for being drunk.”

Caleb nodded appreciably. “That would be nice. I was just planning on laying down in my back seat until morning. Staying here is much better.”

She gave him a exaggerated thumbs up. “Fuck, I’m thirsty. You want a water from the fridge? We’ve got a little bit of time before I have to lay down. We could start that show I was telling you about.” She started to sit up. 

“Yeah, that sounds good” Caleb answered. “Though we have something we need to take care of first.”

“Hmm?” she hummed as she stumbled to her feet, starting her way across the living room.

“Your paddling” he replied casually. “I told you you weren’t about to talk your way out of it, and I meant it.”

Lexi stopped mid step, and turn to face him, incredulous.

“You’re fucking with me, right?”

He returned her stare. “Nope.”



Lexi stomped her foot loudly. “Caleb, c’mon!”

He nodded towards the chair next to her. The clear paddle laid flat across the seat. “Bring it over to me, and we can get this done with quickly.”

“No… you can’t be serious.”

“I am, and you just earned extra. I’m gonna count to five, and you’ll be receiving a punishment if it’s not in my hand by the time I’m done.”

“Can we talk about this first? This is really unneces-“


“Caleb, don’t treat me like a kid. I really don’t think that-“


“That’s it! I take back my offer! Get out of my house!”


Lexi squirmed under the blankets. She was sure that her fidgeting was keeping Caleb awake, but he pretended to sleep all the same. He had given her quite a bit of space on the bed, but her restlessness continued to shake the mattress throughout the night, despite her best efforts. 

Her butt was beyond sore. Caleb evidently didn’t take too kindly to her protests, and really let her have it. Even with the anti-bruising cream, she was sure that she’d be a little marked up in the morning. But in a twisted way, she was happy he kept his word with her, even if it was to her detriment, so her petulance had quickly faded following the paddling, and they had spent a few hours watching tv and lightly  talking before deciding to head to bed. 

But despite being exhausted, she could barely catch a wink of sleep. Her swimming thoughts kept her brain from fully switching to blissful rest, and her battered bottom certainly didn’t help. 

She risked turning over and shot a glance at the man next to her in the dark. Caleb was on his back, breathing peacefully. Neither of them had bothered to put their clothes back on, a fact that filled her head with tempting thoughts. But for the sake of functioning in the morning, she pushed them aside.

The situation between them had become more complicated. She knew how Caleb felt about her, and this certainly was a big change in their dynamic. Despite everything, Lexi was still hesitant to start a real relationship with him; should they start dating, she had a feeling that it would either be for life, or end their friendship in a destructive blaze. Both outcomes scared her a little. But she couldn’t push tonight’s events back into the bottle, nor did she want to. She greatly enjoyed this kind of relationship; it gave her peace of mind, and she certainly didn’t mind Caleb’s company either. So she resolved to take it one day at a time. There was no need for dramatic declarations or labels yet. Perhaps she could figure things out along the way. And if that path included a bit of kinky sex on the way, who was she to complain?

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