
Eyes of Dominance

Chris. 32 year old nerdy dom that sometimes writes stories about naughty brats learning their lesson. Taylor Swift aficionado. Looking for my naughty girl. Kik: LonghairedDom. NJ.

The Roommate Arrangement (Short)

The crypt like silence of the apartment did little to calm the rapid beating of Brittany’s heart as she stood in the corner of the bedroom, ears straining to hear any sign of John. She imagined her roommate Jessica doing the same just across the hall, and wondered who her boyfriend would choose to visit first. Not that it mattered; both of them would be sleeping with bruised bottoms tonight. The only question that remained was the order of operations.

There was once a time when she was worried about spending too much time with John at her shared apartment. He was a caring but strict man, and seemed to have made it a mission to tan her backside biweekly at minimum. Of course, he would tell her in response to such allegations that if she didn’t want to be punished, she could simply behave herself, but that advice often went unheeded. Because of the nature of their relationship, Brittany and John tried to be secretive around Jessica, her close friend whom she had known since college. That became much more difficult when John moved in with them as well. But Brittany thought that she would be able to keep it a secret forever if she was careful enough. How naive she was.

For almost half a year, her attempts to keep her roommate in the dark were successful. Despite being a wallflower of a girl, Jessica spent a fair amount of time out of the home working at odd hours, leaving John enough time to comfortably discipline Brittany in private with the place to themselves. But their carefully constructed routine crashed down around them a few months ago. She had gotten into trouble over not completing her chores, and being under the impression that Jessica would not be home until later that night, John wasted no time in taking her into the bedroom and turning her over his knee. After the spanking, she had left the bedroom bottomless, only to come face to face with Jessica attempting to sneak off to the restroom. She had gotten home early and had overheard almost everything.

All three of them had sat at the kitchen table, while the couple begrudgingly explained the situation to their very confused roommate. Brittany was completely mortified by her secret being discovered in such a way. But her embarrassment was quickly forgotten in the shock of what followed. After a half hour of conversation detailing every lurid, humiliating detail of her relationship with John, the sweet, quiet, assuming Jessica looked over to him after a long silence and asked if he would do the same to her. At the sight of their utterly shocked expressions, she quickly explained that if Brittany was subject to discipline for not fulfilling her domestic obligations, she should be so as well. They shared and traded most of their chores, after all. Brittany should have been more suspicious of her roommate’s motives. But the thought of demure, responsible Jessica going over the lap of her quiet and awkward boyfriend was so absurd and amusing that she gave her blessing almost flippantly. It wasn’t like it was really going to happen, and even if it did, then Brittany would have someone that shared in her misery.

Suddenly, footsteps from the living room broke the oppressive quiet, and Brittany could hear her own pulse pounding in her ears as the sound moved closer, making its way towards the hallway. She bit her tongue as the movement stopped just outside her door, then continued a few more paces. The sound of a door opening across the hall informed her that Jessica was to receive her punishment first. She wanted to breath a sigh of relief, but was such a thing really to be desired? Waiting was its own for of torture after all.

It turns out that Jessica was not the good little girl that Brittany always thought her to be. The normally tidy and conscientious girl ended up requiring punishment with shocking regularity, enough so that Brittany suspected it was not always a coincidence. She always seemed to forget a small but noticeable task, and never debated or argued when it came time for discipline. It almost seemed intentional to her. That’s why it was not surprising when Jessica had come to her in private a handful of weeks into their new arrangement and guiltily admitted her sexual feelings towards John. Brittany knew she had every right to be furious at her, but understood her friend’s dilemma. She couldn’t lie, though the thought of sharing her boyfriend with a close friend made her jealous at first, it also weirdly turned her on, and the feeling grew in her gut as she considered it. So after a week of nonstop discussion and negotiation between the three, the decision was made to open up the relationship for a trial period. That was three months ago.

The soft murmur of John’s voice reached her ears through the walls, unable to be understood through the barrier. Brittany could guess at what was being said anyway. John was a man of few words. She had heard most variations of his lectures in their time as a couple, and had been punished for this very thing less than a month ago. Both girls were supposed to spend the day cleaning up after a particularly lazy weekend which left the house in disarray, but they had gotten caught up watching the show put on to serve as background noise. It was only after John returned home from work that they realized just how much they had left unfinished. The consequences were clear; a butt blistering for the two of them at bedtime. 

She imagined what the pair must look like right now. John punished both girls in the privacy of their respective bedrooms. While Brittany had never seen Jessica receiving a spanking, she had seen the crimson marks on her butt on the occasions she had been too sore to wear pants around the apartment. And she noted with satisfaction that John was no less severe with her roommate than he was with her. Though hearing her receive it, one would think that she actually got it far worse. Jessica took her spankings a little dramatically, in Brittany’s view. Her loud crying and desperate pleading felt like a cheap trick to garner sympathy. Brittany didn’t see a point in the hysterics. If she was going to cry, the tears would have to be pried from her eyes. This difference in personality caused John to dub them “the princess and the brat,” a moniker that was admittedly fitting if not a bit irritating to her. 

The muffled conversation continued for a few minutes, and Brittany’s legs had started to cramp. Both girls were instructed to stand in their respective bedroom corners until it was their turn to get spanked. Technically John would have no way of knowing if she was actually standing there or not. He was in the other room, after all, but she was worried that he would hear her shuffling around the room and sentence her to additional punishment should she move. So she stood dutifully in position, but stretched her calves whenever they started to tighten up. She might be here for a while, so affordances were necessary, she told herself.

A silence quickly fell over the apartment again, and Brittany’s heart started to race. She pressed her ear to the bedroom wall, closing her eyes as she imagined John baring Jessica and placing her over his knee. A familiar warmth pooled between her thighs, and she quickly dipped her fingers to her crotch, her breath bitching as she gently massaged the aching flesh. Suddenly, a clapping sound rang out from across the hall. The spanking had begun.

She listened with rapt attention as the rhythmic slaps carried through the door and into the apartment. She loved listening to the sound of a spanking. Not that she didn’t want to catch a glimpse of what was happening in that room, but hearing without seeing felt more voyeuristic, more intimate in a sense. Her imagination was free to fill in the details of her denied senses, and made her feel more a part of the experience. One might assume that she felt some sort of sympathy for the poor girl getting her rear end painted red. She was to share her fate as well. But while she did feel a connection to her roommate, she couldn’t say she was sorry for her. Brittany was going to get her butt spanked too, and Jessica was as much to blame for that as her. If she was going to share the blame, she should also share the pain as well. It was not spite that caused her to feel this way; Brittany loved Jessica as a friend. She wouldn’t share her boyfriend with someone she didn’t actually like. She merely thought of it as a matter of fairness.

As predicted, it did not take long for the waterworks to begin. Brittany sighed as Jessica’s whines and cries started echoing out from her room. She didn’t know how Jessica didn’t find her theatrics a bit embarrassing. Wasn’t she afraid someone would hear her? What would they think about her crying so brazenly over a simple spanking? That’s not to say that Brittany never whined and cried her way through a punishment before, but she would make him earn her tears. Even if it caused her to get it worse in the long run, she couldn’t surrender her pride with such ease.

A moan escaped her lips as her fingers fervently rubbed her clit. She leaned her forehead against the wall as her labored breaths mixed with sound of the spanking. She knew she shouldn’t be touching herself. John would punish her severely for such a blatant act of disrespect for her punishment. But the girlish cries of the girl across the hall combined with the knowledge that she was to be next briefly overrode the logical part of her brain. Even if she wanted to, she didn’t think she could pull her hand away from her sensitive nub; it’s as if the two were magnetically attracted.

The spanking stopped for a moment. Brittany covered her mouth with her free hand; had he heard her? She waited in tense silence, convinced she was about to hear angry footsteps racing to her door. But then a different sound reached her; wood on skin. He had switched to the hairbrush. Brittany grimaced. Both of them had matching wooden brushes that stayed on their nightstands, reminders of what disobedience meant for them. She had hoped foolishly that John might give them some reprieve, but it appeared that he wanted to make a point here and now. Perhaps the two of them failing to do a shared task was especially disrespectful to him. At any rate, Brittany knew that she could forget about sitting comfortably for at least the next few days. 

Jessica’s reinvigorated wails wormed their way into Brittany’s heart, and the first pinpricks of empathy started to emerge. She really was a sweet girl, even if she was a little more mischievous than Brittany originally thought. It seemed almost cruel to hurt such a pure person. She wondered if Jessica really knew what she was getting into accepting this lifestyle. She had stumbled into it by chance, as opposed to Brittany who actively sought it out. But she’s had multiple months to back out if it wasn’t what she wanted, and she took each punishment dutifully, which is more than Brittany could say.

She wondered if John would fuck one of them tonight. He often had the need to relieve himself after administering a punishment, and now had two women to choose from. In the early stages of opening up their relationship, John had only sparingly played with Jessica, spending the majority of his nights with Brittany. But over the last month, he had started to fuck her with more regularity, and though Brittany had given her blessing, she couldn’t help but feel a little jealous whenever he would spend the night across the hall. While she was not allowed to touch herself without permission, she had spend many nights in the passing weeks rubbing herself to completion while listening to the sounds of her roommates moans. John suspected that she was doing it, and had only half jokingly threatened to purchase a chastity belt if she could not behave herself. But as he had never caught her in the act, the threat had laid fallow for now.

Brittany was so caught up in her thoughts and the sensory overload coming from the other room that her orgasm snuck up on her. She bit into her arm and groaned as waves of heat washed through her body, her legs wobbling against the tidal pleasure. She leaned forward against the wall and fought to control her breathing as the roiling sensation peaked, then gradually receded. Her ears ringing from the climax, she almost didn’t realize that the sounds of spanking had stopped. Her heavy sighs bouncing off the corner walls breaking the otherwise oppressive silence finally clued her in. A heavy pit of guilt replaced the pleasure in her gut. She heard shifting and footsteps in Jessica’s room; he must be placing her back into the corner. It was Brittany’s turn to be spanked. 

She started to panic. There was only a slim chance he didn’t hear what she just did, and even if he didn’t, the evidence between her legs and across her hand was clear. He would inspect her before her punishment and find out her crime, if he wasn’t already aware. What would happen? Would he spank her pussy as punishment and make her buy her a chastity belt in the morning? Would he take her into Jessica’s room after the punishment and make her stand in the corner as he fucked her, to make sure she’s behaving herself? Her thoughts began to spiral. She desperately wanted to rush to the bathroom and clean herself; it was better to be punished for leaving her room than being caught masturbating. 

But it was too late. She heard Jessica’s door swing open, and John’s measured footfalls making their way to her room. Brittany whined in resignation as the door creaked open, and her boyfriend’s dark glare came into view inside the dimly lit corridor. He knew. As he stepped into her room silently, Brittany prepared herself for a long night. Her only hope was that Jessica might derive some pleasure from her misfortune as she did hers.

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